Wimberger, Sandro
Date: Thursday, October 8, 2015
Time: 11:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT J 52
Host: Tilman Esslinger
Non-Equilibrium Transport of Interacting Bosons
Sandro Wimberger
DiFeST, Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy
Open many-body quantum systems have recently gained renewed interest in the context of quantum information science and quantum transport with biological clusters and ultracold atomic gases. Based on our recent mini-review [1], we present a series of results in diverse setups of ultracold bosons in a one-dimensional lattice. We investigate the impact of external forces and opening a many-body quantum system on its dynamical evolution. First, we present results on the thermalization of a many-body two-band system by scanning over a Landau-Zener interband transition [2]. Furthermore, we study simple models for the non-equilibrium transport of interacting bosons across quantum-dot like potentials. Inspired by the experimental advance in the implementation of such systems with ultracold atoms [3], we show how noise and coupling to lead-like channels can lead to complex particle transport [4,5]. New forms of current transport, including materials with negative differential resistivity, driven by many-body correlation effects have been observed already [6]. This opens many frontiers for the design of matter and the control of currents [3-7] on the verge between the quantum and the classical world.
(1) G.Kordas, D. Witthaut, P. Buonsante, A. Vezzani, R. Burioni, A. I. Karanikas, S. Wimberger, EPJ ST 224, 2127 (2015)
(2) C. A. Parra-Murillo, J. Madroñero, S. Wimberger, PRA 89, 053610 (2014)
(3) J. P. Brantut, J. Meineke, D. Stadler, S. Krinner, T. Esslinger, Science 337, 1069 (2012);
S. Eckel, J. G. Lee, F. Jendrzejewski, N. Murray, C. W. Clark, C. J. Lobb, W. D. Phillips, M. Edwards, G. K. Campbell, Nature 506, 200 (2014)
(4) G. Kordas, D. Witthaut, S. Wimberger, Non-equilibrium dynamics in dissipative Bose-Hubbard chains, Ann. Phys., avaiblabe online (2015)
(5) Atom-based analogues to electronic devices, Europhysics News 44, 6, 20 (2013)
highlighting: G. Ivanov, G. Kordas, A. Komnik, S. Wimberger, EPJ B 86, 345 (2013)
(6) R. Labouvie, B. Santra, S. Heun, S. Wimberger, H. Ott, PRL 115, 050601 (2015)
(7) Stromübertragung auf atomarer Ebene, Newspaper article in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (Heidelberg, Germany), 9/4/2014