Current Projects
Research in quantum science and information technology takes place at the forefront of technology. QSIT encourages the outsourcing of new developments from the science environment to companies or service laboratories.
For more information, please contact our
More information about the different projects can be found either by clicking on the respective picture or on the project title in the list below.
Ultra-precie reference for light -
Helium dewar compatible -
Connects a nanoscale emitter to a user interface -
Insulated Metal Substrate technology for cryogenic DC/Rf applications -
Allows use of diode lasers in optomechanical experiments -
Compact low noise stabilization of optical sources -
Fits low noise I to V converter (SP983) -
High photoluminescence efficiency thanks to optimized size, composition and surface chemistry -
Control over microstructure improves Li transport -
Optically locate the position of a graphene flake -
Extraordinarily low input voltage noise -
Prevents He recovery line from freezing -
Long life, low noise, permanent labels -
Electronically variable interactive lock-box -
Efficient microwave filtering and thermalization for millikelvin experiments -
High voltage switch -
Low noise, high stability, produced in small batch series -
Reduces the noise of standard voltage supplies -
Reliably identify cables with loose contact, high resistance or short -
Open standard platform based on open hardware and open software -
Phase control of light beams of any polarization in a compact setup - VIDEO -
Turns a diode laser into a small bandwidth laser - VIDEO -
Web based tally sheet to monitor coffee consumption with an RFID based counter -
Workflow to contact randomly oriented micro structures - VIDEO -
Keeps track of a multitude of environmental or experimental parameters - VIDEO -
Small autonomous temperatur controller -
Ultra low noise electronic measurement system for low temperature transport - VIDEO -
Low cost method to create sub-micron features - VIDEO -
Produced in small batch series -
Available in small batch series. -
Quantum correction based on game experience. -
HiPoLIS turns your laser into a high precision and stable source -
Quantum metrology at nm scale and µA -
The simplest and fastest tuning fork tester -
Diamond scanning probes for quantum sensing DP-QUANT1 -
Optical detector with low dark noise and high bandwidth and high common-mode rejection -
Software for Quantum Computing
Compact electromagnet combining a large number of windings in a constrained volume with efficient cooling.
- Crystalline Microresonators
- 1 K Magnet System
- Quantum Error Correction: The Game
- Topologically Protected Phononic Wave Guides
- Quantum Fiber Pigtail
- IMS Thermalization Plates
- Ultra Low Noise Diode Laser
- Optical Intensity Stabilization
- Remote Control Interface
- Low Toxicity Quantum Emitters
- Battery Micro Engineering
- Micropositioner
- Differential Amplifier 2014
- Helium Recovery Heater
- Premium BNC Cables
- E.V.I.L.
- Cryogenic Microwave Filter
- Push Pull Pulser
- Low Noise I to V Converter
- Low Noise Voltage Regulator
- Cable Test 2014
- Easy Phi
- Polarization Independent Electro Optic Modulator
- Carbon Cavity System
- Nesweb
- Automated e-Beam
- Envico Logging System
- Temp Regulator 2013 NTC
- Compact 2012
- Low Aspect Ratio Structuring
- Low Noise Voltage Source