
Electronically variable interactive lock-box

We have developed an Electronically Variable Interactive Lock-box (E.V.I.L.) to act as prototyping hardware.

Enabled by the Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA
Max. Input/Output voltages +/-10 V
Supply voltages: +/-15 V

A current implementation is a dual-channel PI controller which we use for locking lasers to cavities. Our Python based software interface allows for convenient operation from any computer.
Bandwidths:  500 kHz (fast controller), 70 kHz (slow controller).

Data sheet: Download EVIL (PDF, 340 KB)

Improved handling and good performance at a fraction of the price of commercially available products.

Creators: Ludwig de Clercq and Vlad Negnevitsky from Prof. Home’s group at ETH Zurich.

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