Night of Physics 2022

Nacht der Physik 2022 - Ein Fest: von Quanten zum Universum.

Nacht der Physik

The Department of Physics at ETH Zürich and NCCR “QSIT - Quantum Science and Technology”, were pleased to invite to a Night of Physics on the afternoon and evening of Friday, 17 June 2022, on the ETH Zurich Hönggerberg campus.
Through hands-​on experiments, lectures, laboratory visits, and more, we presented the exciting world of physics, ranging from quantum computers and materials science, to astrophysics and particle physics.

Thank you to all of you who helped organize, contributed to and visited the event!

Link to the official Nacht der Physik webpage here.

Please find the recorded lectures here.

Fotos from the event can be found here.

See also a news post here.

Communicating physics to the general public in an entertaining way - that is the main objective of the "Night of Physics". Klaus Ensslin explained in the ETH News why a visit to the Hönggerberg is worthwhile.
ETH News: "Science is fun"

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