BS - QSIT Women Networking!
The Women in Physics Network on the University of Basel external page website

February 11th 2020:
The Women in Physics Network of the University of Basel is organizing an event for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Download flyer (PDF, 1.5 MB)

Friday, January 24th 2020:
11th Women in Physics Networking Event
New Year's event

On Friday, November 8th 2019: 10th Women in Physics Networking Event
Buffet lunch with Prof. Silke Bühler-Paschen from TU Wien

On Friday, October 11th 2019: 9th Women in Physics Networking Event
Discussion topic: "Gender equality in science: Why is it taking so long?" - Thoughts on a talk by Prof. Dr. Paul Walton (University of Leeds, UK)

On Wednesday, July 8th 2019:
First Women in Physics Networking Hike
Klewenalp, NW

On Friday, May 24, 2019 we have the 8th Women in Physics Networking Event coming up:
Buffet lunch with Prof. Dr. Kimberley Dick Thelander from Lund University

On Friday, March 8, 2019 we have the 7th Women in Physics Networking Event coming up:
Discussion topic: Swiss Women's Strike 1991/2019

On Friday, December 14, 2018 we have the 6th Women in Physics Networking Event coming up:
End of Year edition

On Friday, November 16, 2018 we have the 5th Women in Physics Networking Event coming up:
Buffet lunch with Prof. Dr. Gloria Platero from Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC

Friday, May 11th, 2018 - networking lunch with
Prof. Sonia Boj
TU Delft, Netherlands

Friday, April 27th, 2018 - networking lunch with
Prof. Elsa Prada
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

On Monday, July 10, 2017 at 13:15 we have the 3rd Women in Physics Networking Event coming up:
Buffet Lunch with Prof. Anna Foncuberta i Morral in Room 1.09.
Prof. Foncuberta i Morral from the EPFL in Lausanne will hold a lecture on
Life after a PhD
at 15:00 in the „Neuer Hörsaal“ St. Johanns Ring 25.

On Friday, May 19, 2017 at 12:15 we have the 2nd Women in Physics Networking Event coming up:
Buffet Lunch with Prof. Lucia Sorba
Those who registered for the lunch, please note, that we had to move the event from room 3.12 to the foyer/gallery of St. Johanns Ring 25.
Prof. Lucia Sorba from the CNR NEST in Pisa, Italy will hold a lecture later to today on
Nanowire hesterostructures grown by chemical beam epitaxy
within our Colloquium at 15:15 in the „Neuer Hörsaal“ St. Johanns Ring 25.

The kick-off meeting and first women networking event will take place on
Friday, March 17, 2017 from 18:15 in the Physics Cafeteria
Agenda of the Event
18.15-18.30 Jelena Klinovaja introduces herself
18.30-18.45 Ilaria Zardo introduces herself
18.45-19.00 Discussion of statistics and challenges of women in science
19.00 Apéro
All you have to bring with you on Friday are your experiences and ideas reg. women in science and how the opportunities and support to enhance female scientists / physicsists could be improved.