Biercuk, Michael J.
Date: Monday, June 15, 2015
Time: 11:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Host: Jonathan Home
Predicting the future of noisy qubits
Michael J. Biercuk
University of Sydney, Australia
The uncontrolled evolution of qubits in the presence of a noisy environment poses a major challenge to the development of quantum information systems. Nonetheless, similar circumstances are common in classical technologies, and a wide range of techniques have been developed in the discipline of control theory to provide stability to dynamically unstable systems. We discuss experimental demonstrations using trapped ions of a suite of quantum-control theoretic techniques to predict and control the evolution of qubits subject to semiclassical decoherence. Our work includes the development of generalized transfer functions permitting the prediction of a qubit's ensemble-average evolution during an arbitrary operation and shows how this construct can be leveraged to produce noise-suppressing filters derived from a sequence of open-loop control operations (qubit rotations). Further, we employ concepts from optimal estimation to predict a qubit's evolution in real time due to external decoherence, based on a time-stamped series of projective measurements qubit. This technique, closely related to Kalman filtering, permits us to predict and perform feedforward compensation to offset the undesired evolution - again, in real time. Finally, we describe how this suite of techniques can be made compatible with quantum computing control hardware, and touch on architectural impacts of our findings.