Lunch Seminar
The 'QSIT Lunch Seminar' took place every first Thursday of a month at 12:00 in the room HPF G6, ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg. There were two talks of 30 minutes duration jointly presented by two collaborators from different research groups. At 13:00 free pizza / lasgna was offered to the participants.
September 1, 2022
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
Towards a Bulk Acoustic Quantum Transducer
Maxwell Drimmer - Hybrid Quantum Systems Group (Chu group), ETH Zurich
Towards fast entangling operations in trapped ions with integrated photonics
Alfredo Ricci - Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group (Home group), ETH Zurich
July 7, 2022
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
Nanoparticle Levitation in a Hybrid Paul-Optical Trap
Eric Bonvin - Photonics Laboratory (Novotny group), ETH Zurich
Towards surface NMR using Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in diamond
Konstantin Herb - Spin Physics Group (Degen group), ETH Zurich
June 2, 2022
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
A Loophole-Free Bell Test with Superconducting Circuits
Simon Storz - Quantum Device Lab (Wallraff group), ETH Zurich
Experimental investigation of vacuum field correlations in causally disconnected space-time regions
Alexa Herter - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
May 5, 2022
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
Modifying the integer quantum Hall effect with cavity vacuum fields
Josefine Enkner - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
Anonymous, Robust Post-Quantum Public Key Encryption
Varun Maram - Applied Cryptography Group (Paterson group), Quantum Center, ETH Zurich
April 7, 2022
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
Heteroepitaxial growth of semiconductor/superconductor hybrid structures
Erik Cheah - Advanced Semiconductor Quantum Materials Group (Wegscheider group), ETH Zurich
Metamaterials breaking time-reversal symmetry
Johan Andberger - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
March 3, 2022
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
Quantum optomechanics with a levitated nanoparticle in free space
Massimiliano Rossi - Photonics Laboratory (Novotny group), ETH Zurich
Superconducting devices in twisted bilayer graphene
Elías Portolés - Nanophysics Group (Ensslin group), ETH Zurich
December 2, 2021
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
Parity measurement in the strong dispersive regime of circuit quantum acoustodynamics
Yu Yang - Hybrid Quantum Systems (Chu group), ETH Zurich
Challenges for Practical Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution
Ramona Wolf - Quantum Information Theory (Renner group), ETH Zurich
November 4, 2021
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
Phonon lasing in the quantum regime with mixed-species trapped ions
Tanja Behrle - Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group (Home group), ETH Zurich
Integration of MoS2 Monolayers onto III-V Nanowires into 1D/2D Heterostructures
Valerio Piazza - Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials (Fontcuberta group), EPF Lausanne
October 7, 2021
ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6 & scheduled Zoom meeting
Higgs analysis with quantum classifiers
Vasileios Belis - Institute of Particle Physics and Astrophysics (Dissertori group), ETH Zurich
Membrane-based scanning force microscopy
Thomas Gisler - Spin Physics Group (Degen group), ETH Zurich
September 2, 2021
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Engineering Dynamical Tunneling in Quantum Gas Coupled to a Cavity
Rodrigo Rosa-Medina - Quantum Optics Group (Esslinger group), ETH Zurich
Tunable quantum confinement of neutral excitons using electric fields and exciton-charge interactions
Deepankur Thureja - Quantum Photonics Group (Imamoglu group), ETH Zurich
July 1, 2021
Scheduled Zoom meeting, please join via this external page link
15-year QSIT/Quantum Center, ETH Zurich Lunch Seminar
To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Lunch seminar, we invite you to this special edition where we welcome back two of the early Lunch seminar speakers - Andrea Hofmann and Johannes Fink. We will hear about their past experiences, current research and plans for the future.
A brief history of the Lunch seminar will be presented by Klaus Ensslin and Andreas Wallraff. At the end of the seminar we invite you to network with us on Gathertown.
We hope to see many of you - past and present QSIT and Quantum Center, ETH Zurich members - there!
12:00 - 12:10
History of the Lunch Seminar and NCCR QSIT
Klaus Ensslin (Director NCCR QSIT) and Andreas Wallraff (Founding Director Quantum Center, ETH Zurich)
12:10 - 12:40
Scientific talks by two of the early Lunch seminar speakers
Andrea Hofmann - previously a PhD student in Klaus Ensslin’s group (ETH Zurich)
Johannes Fink - previously a PhD student in Andreas Wallraff’s group (ETH Zurich), now PI of the Quantum Integrated Devices laboratory at IST Austria
12:40 - 13:00
Interview with Andrea Hofmann and Johannes Fink
moderated by Chiara Decaroli (Outreach officer at the Quantum Center, ETH Zurich)
13:00 - 13:15
Questions from the audience
13:15 - open end
Networking on
see also Conferences & Events
June 3, 2021
Scheduled Zoom meeting
How to reach the motional ground state of a nanoparticle?
Nadine Meyer - Nanophotonic Systems Laboratory (Quidant group), Quantum Center, ETH Zurich
Universal quantum computing using electro-nuclear wavefunctions of rare-earth ions
Manuel Grimm - Condensed Matter Theory Group, Paul Scherrer Institut & Quantum Center, ETH Zurich
May 6, 2021
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Implementation and network integration of high repetition rate QKD systems
Fadri Grünenfelder - Quantum Technologies (Zbinden group), University of Geneva
A Luttinger Liquid coupled to Ohmic-class environments
Andisheh Khedri - Electronic and photonic quantum engineered systems (Zilberberg group), ETH Zurich
April 1, 2021
Scheduled Zoom meeting
A Multi-level IR for Quantum Program Optimization
David Ittah - Scalable Parallel Computing Laboratory (Hoefler group), Quantum Center, ETH Zurich
Towards an error corrected logical qubit with surface codes
Ants Remm - Quantum Device Lab (Wallraff group), ETH Zurich
February 4, 2021
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Escape dynamics of active particles in multistable potentials
Andrei Militaru - Photonics Laboratory (Novotny group), ETH Zurich
Modulation Doping of Template-Defined InGaAs Nanowires
Kristopher Cerveny - Quantum Coherence Lab (Zumbühl group), University of Basel
December 3, 2020
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Gate-Defined Josephson Junctions in Magic-Angle Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Fokko de Vries - Nanophysics Group (Ensslin group), ETH Zurich
A Double Quantum Dot Spin Valve
Arunav Bordoloi - Quantum- and Nanoelectronics (Schönenberger group), University of Basel
November 5, 2020
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Demonstrating the power of state-of-the-art quantum computers
Elisa Bäumer - Quantum Information Theory (Renner group), ETH Zurich
Metrological complementarity reveals the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox
Matteo Fadel - Quantum Optics Lab (Treutlein group), University of Basel
October 1, 2020
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Genuine high-dimensional quantum steering
Sébastien Designolle - Quantum Theory Group (Brunner group), University of Geneva
Light-mediated strong coupling between a mechanical oscillator and atomic spins 1 m apart
Thomas Karg - Quantum Optics Lab (Treutlein group), University of Basel
September 3, 2020
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Compact SQUID realized in a double layer graphene heterostructure
David Indolese - Nanoelectronics (Schönenberger group), University of Basel
Large twisting angles in Bilayer graphene (Moire) quantum dot structures (and bits of machine learning)
Frantisek Herman - Strongly Correlated Electrons (Sigrist group), ETH Zurich
July 2, 2020
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Initialization of Single Spin Dressed States using Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
Johannes Kölbl - Quantum Sensing Lab (Maletinsky group), University of Basel
Accelerating Polaritons using External Electric and Magnetic Fields
Patrick Knüppel - Quantum Photonics Group (Imamoglu group), ETH Zurich
June 4, 2020
Scheduled Zoom meeting
A high-cooperativity, silicon nitride transducer for room temperature quantum optomechanics
Mohammad Bereyhi - Laboratory of Photonics and Quantum Measurements (Kippenberg group), EPF Lausanne
Critical current for an insulating regime of an underdamped current-biased topological Josephson junction as a signature of Majorana fermions
Aleksandr Svetogorov - Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing (Klinovaja group), University of Basel
May 7, 2020
NEW TIME: starting @ 14:00
Scheduled Zoom meeting
The upper branch broadening in ultrastrongly coupled THz Landau polaritons
Shima Rajabali - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
Moiré band engineering and correlations in graphene-based materials
Tobias Wolf - Quantum Condensed and Coherent Systems (Blatter group), ETH Zurich
April 2, 2020
Scheduled Zoom meeting
Magneto-capacitance measurement of electron-hole bilayer systems
Simon Parolo - Advanced Semiconductor Quantum Materials Group (Wegscheider group), ETH Zurich
Topological charge of finite-size photonic crystal modes
Zhixin Wang - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
March 5, 2020
Nanodiamonds as quantum sensors for biology
Takuya Segawa - Spin Physics and Imaging (Degen group), ETH Zurich
Entanglement and (non-)equilibration in quantum many-body systems
Henrik Wilming - Quantum Information Theory (Renner group), ETH Zurich
February 6, 2020
no Lunch Seminar -> QSIT General Meeting in Arosa
December 5, 2019
Aharonov-Bohm cages with photonic waveguide arrays - The square-root of a topological insulator
Ioannis Petrides – Quantum Engineered Systems (Zilberberg group), ETH Zurich
2-qubit quantum logic on an optics integrated ion trap
Chi Zhang - Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group (Home group), ETH Zurich
November 7, 2019
Direct field correlation measurement on the electromagnetic ground state
Francesca Fabiana Settembrini - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
Light at a stalemate - Experimental observation of a polarization vortex at a bound state in the continuum
Hugo Doeleman - Hybrid Quantum Systems Group (Chu group), ETH Zurich
October 3, 2019
Efficient two-qubit gate calibration using Bayesian estimation
Brennan de Neeve - Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group (Home group), ETH Zurich
Motional Sideband Asymmetry of a Nanoparticle Optically Levitated in Free Space
Felix Tebbenjohanns - Photonics Laboratory (Novotny group), ETH Zurich
July 4, 2019
Wigner-Crystal formation at filling factor 1/5 in a bilayer two-dimensional electron (2DEG) gas?
Jan Scharnetzky - Advanced Semiconductor Quantum Materials (Wegscheider group), ETH Zurich
Practical tight-binding models for Twisted Bilayer Systems. Connection to ab-initio calculations.
Arkadiy Davydov – Condensed Matter Physics (Soluyanov group), University of Zurich
May 9, 2019
Entanglement Stabilization using Parity Detection and Real-Time Feedback in Superconducting
Christian Kraglund Andersen – Quantum Device Lab (Wallraff group), ETH Zurich
Quantum error correction in the presence of a continuous symmetry
Philippe Faist – Quantum Information Theory (Renner group), ETH Zurich
March 7, 2019
Electrically pumped phonon-polariton lasers
Martin Franckie - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
Cotunnelling in electronic dot—cavity systems
Michael Ferguson - Quantum Condensed and Coherent Systems (Blatter group), ETH Zurich
February 7, 2019
no Lunch Seminar -> QSIT General Meeting in Arosa
December 6, 2018
39K2 Long-range Rydberg molecules bound by electron-atom scattering in the regime of strong hyperfine-induced mixing
Michael Peper – Molecular Physics and Spectroscopy (Merkt group), ETH Zurich
Investigating Long Range Vibrations in Nanocrystal Solids
Maximilian Jansen – Institute for Electronics (Wood group), ETH Zurich
November 1, 2018
Axial gauge field in an acoustic Weyl metamaterial
Valerio Peri – Condensed Matter Theory and Metamaterials (Huber group), ETH Zurich
Magneto-transport ultrastongly coupled to vacuum fields
Felice Appugliese - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
October 4, 2018
Coupling two order parameters in a quantum gas
Andrea Morales – Quantum Optics Group (Esslinger group), ETH Zurich
3D Cavity Cooling of a Levitated Nanoparticle
Dominik Windey - Photonics Group (Novotny Group), ETH Zurich
September 6, 2018
Tunneling into a finite Luttinger liquid coupled to capacitive leads
Antonio Štrkalj – Quantum Engineered Systems (Zilberberg group), ETH Zurich
Asymmetric quantum well system for dipolaritons and quantum Hall states
Mirko Lupatini – Advanced Semiconductor Quantum Materials (Wegscheider group), ETH Zurich
July 5, 2018
Watching the precession of a single nuclear spin by weak measurements
Kristian Cujia – Spin Physics and Imaging (Degen group), ETH Zurich
Quantum computing for quantum chemistry simulations
Panagiotis Kl. Barkoutsos – IBM Research - Zurich
May 3, 2018
Fast and Unconditional All-Microwave Reset of a Superconducting Qubit
Paul Magnard – Quantum Device Lab (Wallraff group), ETH Zurich
Repeated multi-qubit readout and feedback with a mixed-species trapped-ion register
Matteo Marinelli – Trapped Ion Quantum Information (Home group), ETH Zurich
March 1, 2018
Manipulation of molecular hydrogen on a chip to study quantum effects in chemical reactions at low temperature
Katharina Höveler – Molecular Physics and Spectroscopy (Merkt group), ETH Zurich
Formation of a spin texture in a quantum gas coupled to a cavity
Nishant Dogra – Quantum Optics Group (Esslinger group), ETH Zurich
February 1, 2018
no Lunch Seminar -> QSIT General Meeting in Arosa
December 7, 2017
Progress with Implantation Patterned Back Gates for Ultra-High Quality GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructure Epitaxy
Matthias Berl – Advanced semiconductor quantum materials (Wegscheider group), ETH Zurich
Parametric instabilities in a driven-dissipative BEC in a cavity
Luca Papariello – Strongly correlated electrons (Sigrist group), ETH Zurich
November 2, 2017
Perturbative metamaterials: Designing functionality with discrete models
Marc Serra Garcia – Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Optics (Huber group), ETH Zurich
Strong Coupling Cavity QED with Double Quantum Dot Charge Qubits: The Story Continues
David van Woerkom – Quantum Device Lab (Wallraff group), ETH Zurich
October 5, 2017
Signatures of a dissipative phase transition in photon correlation measurements
Thomas Fink – Quantum Photonics (Imamoglu group), ETH Zurich
Quantum contextuality tests with a single trapped-ion qutrit
Maciej Malinowski – Trapped Ion Quantum Information (Home group), ETH Zurich
July 6, 2017
Giant paramagnetism-induced valley polarization in charge tunable monolayer MoSe2
Patrick Back – Quantum Photonics (Imamoglu group), ETH Zurich
Lateral p-n Junctions in Inverted InAs/GaSb Double Quantum Wells
Matija Karalic – Nanophysics (Ensslin group), ETH Zurich
May 11, 2017
Internal Temperature of Levitated Nano-Particles
Erik Hebestreit – Photonics Laboratory (Novotny group), ETH Zurich
Spin-coherent dot—cavity electronics
Michael Ferguson – Electronic and photonic quantum engineered systems (Zilberberg group), ETH Zurich
March 2, 2017
Ultrastrong coupling physics with metamaterials on sGe 2D hole gases: towards Dicke physics
Janine Keller - Quantum Optoelectronics Group (Faist group), ETH Zurich
Scattering mechanisms of highest-mobility InAs/AlxGa1−xSb quantum wells
Thomas Tschirky - Advanced Semiconductor Quantum Marerials (Wescheider group), ETH Zurich
February 2, 2017
no Lunch Seminar -> QSIT General Meeting in Arosa
December 2, 2016
Oktober 6, 2016
Neural-Network Quantum States: Teaching Quantum Mechanics to an Artificial Intelligence
Giuseppe Carleo - Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
Trapping Ions in an optical lattice for quantum simulation
Matthew Grau - Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group, ETH Zurich
August 4, 2016
Summer break
June 2, 2016
Nonlocal Polarization Feedback in a Fractional Quantum Hall Ferromagnet
Szymon Hennel - Nanophysics Grroup, ETH Zurich
Optimized Circuits for Transmon Dispersive Readout
Theo Walter - Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
April 14, 2016
Disorder effects in InAs/GaSb topological insulator candidates
Camille Ndebeka-Bandou - Optoelectronics Group, ETH Zurich
Charge Transport in Semiconductor Nanocrystal Solids
Nuri Yazdani - Laboratory for Nanoelectronics, ETH Zurich
February 4, 2016
no Lunch Seminar -> QSIT General Meeting in Arosa
December 3, 2015
Quantum inspired annealing
Guglielmo Mazzola - Computational Physics, ETH Zurich
A nanoscopic light source based on antenna-coupled h-BN tunnel junctions
Markus Parzefall - Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich
October 1, 2015
Resonant and inelastic Andreev tunneling observed on a carbon nanotube quantum dot
Jörg Gramich - Nanoelectronics group, University of Basel
Incompressible polaritons in a flat band
Matteo Biondi - Quantum Condensed and Coherent Systems group, ETH Zurich
August 6, 2015
Summer break
June 4, 2015
Stabilized Skyrmion Phase Detected in MnSi Nanowires by Dynamic Cantilever Magnetometry
Andrea Mehlin - Poggio Lab, University of Basel
Fast coherent state generation through bang-bang control of a trapped ion
Florian Leupold - Trapped Ion Quantum Information, ETH Zurich
May 7, 2015
Please join the QSIT Lecture and the QSIT Colloquium by
Eugene Demler - Harvard University & ITP ETH Zurich
April 2, 2015
Heralded Phonon Entanglement on a Photonic Crystal Architecture
Hugo Flayac - Institute of Theoretical Physics, EPF Lausanne
Digital quantum simulation of spin models with circuit quantum electrodynamics
Yves Salathé - Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zürich
January 8, 2015
No Lunch Seminar - QSIT General Meeting 2015
December 4, 2014
Witnessing genuine multipartite optical-path entanglement
Valentina Caprara Vivoli, GAP Quantique, Université de Genève
Direct characterization of a squeezed oscillator state and squeezed cat state production with trapped ions
Hsiang-yu Lo, Trapped Ion Quantum Information, ETH Zurich
November 6, 2014
No Lunch Seminar this month.
October 2, 2014
Measurement and control of a mechanical oscillator at its thermal decoherence rate
Dalziel J. Wilson, Laboratoire de Photonique et de Mesure Quantique (LPQM), EPF Lausanne
Diamond based nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance
Michael Loretz, Spin Physics and Imaging - Christian Degen's Lab, ETH Zurich
September 4, 2014
Characterization and manipulation of frequency entangled qudits
Bänz Bessire, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Bern
Experimental realization of the topological Haldane model
Remi Desbuquois, Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zurich

July 3, 2014
Strain Coupling of a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center Spin to a Diamond Mechanical Oscillator
Arne Barfuss, Quantum Sensing Lab, University of Basel
Single Photon Emitters in Monolayer WSe2
Meinrad Sidler, Quantum Photonics Group, ETH Zurich
June 5, 2014
Boundary between the Thermal and Statistical Polarization Regimes in a Nanometer-scale Spin Ensemble
Benedikt Herzog, Spin, Quantum Electronics, Nanomechanics - Poggio Lab, University of Basel
Entropies in thermodynamics and information theory: a new approach
Lea Krämer, Quantum Information Theory, ITP, ETH Zurich
*** Wednesday ***
May 7, 2014
Hybrid Microwave Cavity Heat Engine
Björn Sothmann, Département de Physique Théorique, Université de Genève
Transport in quantum dash cascade laser structures
Gian Lorenzo Paravicini-Bagliani, Optoelectronics group, ETH Zurich
March 6, 2014
Quantum interferometry with cold atoms on a chip
Baptiste Allard, Department of Physics, University of Basel
Sequential quantum-enhanced measurement with an atomic ensemble
Andrey Lebedev, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
December 5, 2013
No Lunch Seminar this month.
October 3, 2013
Manipulation of the nuclear spin ensemble in a quantum dot with chirped magnetic resonance pulses
Mathieu Munsch, Nano-Photonics Group, University of Basel
Experimental realization of non-abelian geometric gates with a superconducting three-level system
Abdufarrukh Abdumalikov, Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
September 5, 2013
Sympathetic cooling of a micromechanical membrane by coupling to ultracold atoms
Tobias Kampschulte, Quantum atom optics lab, University of Basel
Ultracold Rydberg atoms: from atomic hyperfine-structure to many-body interactions
Johannes Deiglmayr, Molecular Physics and Spectroscopy, ETH Zurich
August 2013
Summer break
June 6, 2013
Engineered nano(hetero)structures for solar energy conversion
Esther Alarcón-Lladó, Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials, EPF Lausanne
Hong-Ou-Mandel Experiments with Microwaves: Correlations, Indistinguishability and Entanglement
Christian Lang, Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
April 4, 2013
Realization of a photonic micro-macro entangled state
Natalia Bruno, Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva
Entanglement Polytopes: Multi-Particle Entanglement from Single-Particle Information
Michael Walter, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
March 7, 2013
Intrinsic Charge Fluctuations in a few electron GaAs double quantum dot
Daniel Biesinger, Quantum Coherence Lab, University of Basel
A microfabricated segmented linear Paul trap for precision control of mixed-species ion chains
Daniel Kienzler, Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group, ETH Zurich
February 7, 2013
No Lunch Seminar this month.
December 6, 2012
Exorcising the Maxwell Demon: Understanding the Interplay Between Work and Entropy in Quantum Systems
Phillippe Faist, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
Electron Waiting Times in Mesoscopic Transport
Christian Flindt, Département de Physique Théorique, Université de Genève
November 1, 2012
Coupling of graphene to a THz-metasurface
Federico Valmorra, Quantum Optoelectronics Group, ETH Zurich
Observing the Drop of Resistance in the Flow of a Superfluid Fermi Gas
David Stadler, Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zurich
October 4, 2012
Feedback cooling of cantilever motion using a quantum point contact transducer
Michele Montinaro, Poggio Lab - Spin, Quantum Electronics, Nanomechanics, University of Basel
Origins of low quantum efficiencies in quantum dot LEDs
Deniz Bozyigit, Laboratory for Nanoelectronics, ETH Zurich
September 6, 2012
Magnetic states of individual ferromagnetic nanotube probed by anisotropic magnetoresistance
Daniel Rüffer, Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials, EPFL
Ultra-High Quality Factor Single-Crystal Diamond Nanoresonator
Ye Tao, Spin Physics and Imaging - Degen Lab, ETHZ
August 2, 2012
Sommer break
Please visit the ICPS 2012 in Zurich

July 5, 2012
Observation of entanglement between a quantum dot spin and a single photon
Weibo Gao, Quantum Photonics Group, IQE, ETH Zurich
Quantum Hall effect with superconducting electrodes
Peter Rickhaus, Nanoelectronics Group, University of Basel
May 3, 2012
Coexistence of Coulomb blockades and the quantum Hall effect in high-quality suspended graphene nanoribbon
Dong-Keun Ki, DPMC and GAP, University of Geneva
Statics and dynamics of ultracold fermionic gases in harmonic traps with density functional theory
Ilia Zintchenko, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
March 1, 2012
Integration of quantum dots with microwave circuits
Tobias Frey, Quantum Device Lab and Nanophysics Group, ETH Zurich
Cryogenic voltage switches for ultra-fast ion-trap applications
Joseba Alonso Otamandi, Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group, ETH Zurich
February 1, 2012
Please refer to the General Meeting in Arosa

November 3, 2011
From Coulomb to photon blockade (and back)
Sebastian Schmidt, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
Observation of Resonant Photon Blockade at Microwave Frequencies using Correlation Function Measurements
Christian Lang, Quantum Device Lab, Lab. for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
September 1, 2011
The thermodynamic meaning of negative entropy
Johan Aarberg, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
Low-Temperature Nuclear Spin Relaxation in an All-Electrical Lateral Spin Transport Device
Dominikus Kölbl, Quantum Coherence Lab, University of Basel
July 7, 2011
Criticality with trapped cold atoms
Lode Pollet, Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
Quantum-state controlled ultracold molecular ions and their applications
Xin Tong, Quantum Coherence Lab, University of Basel
May 5, 2011
Symmetry breaking and fluctuations at the Dicke quantum phase transition
Rafael Mottl, Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zurich
Quantum storage of photonic entanglement in a crystal
Félix Bussières, Group of Applied Physics - Optique, Université de Genève
March 3, 2011
Multistage Zeeman Deceleration of Metastable Neon
Michael Motsch, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich
Ferromagnetic contacts for carbon nanotube spintronic devices
Hagen Aurich, Nanoelectronics Group, University of Basel