
The NCCR QSIT is partner in the project ‘ETH4Kids’. The idea of this video game was developed by the center of Equal opportunity, EQUAL!, at ETH Zurich. It aims to attract young kids to natural science at the level of the 5th -  6th grade at primary school. Special emphasis is given to attract and support the interest of females by rewarding them with an attractive meeting of other young females at ETH or other places. 

Partners of EQUAL! were the D-Phys, NCCR QSIT, and NCCR MUST and were engaged in the development of a particular game. A first version of this game was presented at the ‘Scientifica’ end of August 2011. For more information see 'external page Scientifica' and a external page trailer to the game. 

In the frame of this cooperation Klaus Ensslin and other physics professors gave an external page interview conducted by children.

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