Haack, Géraldine
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020
Time: 10:00
Place: scheduled Zoom meeting
Host: Klaus Ensslin
Autonomous entanglement engines & heat current based entanglement witness
Géraldine Haack
University of Geneva
Autonomous entanglement engines are thermal machines whose working fluid is made of few artificial atoms. They feature a genuine quantum nature as their output is the creation of quantum correlations among the constituents of the working fluid ( and not work or cooling power). In this talk, I will start reviewing recent developments towards assessing their dynamics and limitations due to the use of thermal resources. I will then present a very recent result that demonstrates an exact relation between entanglement measures (reflecting the state of the working fluid of the machine), and the heat current accessible in quantum transport experiments [1]. From a fundamental point of view, this relation constitutes a clear connection between the research fields of Q. Info, Q. Transport & Q. Thermodynamics.
[1] S. Khandelwal, N.Palazzo, N. Brunner, and G. Haack, New J. Phys. (2020)