Invited Speakers

Amo, Alberto (CNRS - Laboratoire PhLAM, FR) abstract
Anders, Janet (University of Exter, U.K.) abstract
Bakr, Waseem (Princeton University, USA) abstract
Biondi, Matteo (ETH Zurich, CH) abstract
Broadbent, Anne (University of Ottawa, CN) abstract
Cappellaro, Paola (MIT, USA ) abstract
Chou, James Chin-wen (NIST, Boulder, USA) abstract
Del Rio, Lidia (ETH Zurich, CH) abstract
Fallani, Leonardo (LENS, University of Florence, IT) abstract
Flühmann, Christa (ETH Zurich, CH) abstract
Fontcuberta i Morral, Anna (EPF Lausanne, CH) abstract
Heim, Bettina (Microsoft, USA) abstract
Tobias J. Kippenberg (EPF Lausanne) abstract
Koch-Janusz, Maciek (ETH Zurich, CH) abstract
Johnson, Blake (Rigetti, USA) abstract
Marcus, Charles M. (Microsoft, USA & University of Copenhagen, DK) abstract
Marquardt, Florian (MPI for the Science of Light, Erlangen, GE) abstract
Martinis, John M. (UC Santa Barbara and Google, USA) abstract
Monroe, Christopher (University of Maryland and IonQ, USA) abstract
Nichele, Fabrizio (IBM Research - Zurich, CH) abstract
Northup, Tracy (Universtität Innsbruck, AT) abstract
Olaya-Castro, Alexandra (University College London, U.K.) abstract
Ozeri, Roee (The Weizmann Institute of Science, ISR) abstract
Painter, Oscar (California Institute of Technology, USA) abstract
Petta, Jason (Princeton University, USA) abstract
Poggio, Martino ( University of Basel, CH) abstract
Potočnik, Anton (ETH Zurich, CH) abstract
Rempe, Gerhard (MPI of Quantum Optics, Garching, GE) abstract
Senellart, Pascale (CNRS - Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, FR) abstract
Sheldon, Sarah (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA) abstract
Steiger, Damian (ETH Zurich, CH) abstract
Tarruell, Leticia (ICFO, ES) abstract
Troyer, Matthias (Microsoft, USA & ETH Zurich, CH) abstract
Vandersypen, Lieven (QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft, NL) abstract
Vasanelli, Angela (University Paris Diderot, FR) abstract
Zilberberg, Oded (ETH Zurich, CH) abstract

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