Integrated quantum superconducting and acoustic circuits: opportunities and challenges
Oskar Painter, Greg MacCabe, Hengjiang Ren, Mahmoud Kalaee, Mohammad Mirhosseini, Jie Luo, Alp Sipahigil, Michael Fang, and Andrew Keller
Kavli Nanoscience Institute, Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, and the Thomas J. Watson, Sr., Laboratory of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA 91125 USA
I will present recent ideas and developments involving the integration of optomechanical crystals, which couple light and sound, and electronic superconducting quantum circuits which have large quantum nonlinearities that can be exploited for quantum information processing applications. Utilizing the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafer platform, we have made key advances in the fabrication and integration of extremely low-loss microwave phonon structures and low-loss microwave superconducting resonators. These technical advancements offer several intriguing opportunities for quantum information processing and networking with phonons, photons, and electrons in an integrated, wafer-scale platform. Specifically, I will focus on efforts within our group to understand the fundamental limits to decoherence in micron-scale microwave acoustic bandgap cavities and methods for coupling such devices to transmon qubits.