Quantum synchronization of driven self-sustained oscillator

Christoph Bruder1, Andreas Nunnenkamp2 and Stefan Walter3

Department of Physics, University of Basel, Switzerland1
Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK2
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany3

Synchronization is a universal phenomenon that is important both in fundamental studies and in technical applications. Here we study synchronization of two dissipatively coupled Van der Pol oscillators in the quantum regime and analyze synchronization in terms of frequency entrainment and frequency locking [1]. Due to quantum noise strict frequency locking is absent and is replaced by a crossover from weak to strong frequency entrainment. The differences to the behavior of one quantum Van der Pol oscillator subject to an external drive [2] are discussed. Moreover, a possible experimental realization of two coupled quantum Van der Pol oscillators in an optomechanical setting is described.

[1] S. Walter, A. Nunnenkamp, and C. Bruder, Ann. Phys. (Berlin)  527, 131 (2015)
[2] S. Walter, A. Nunnenkamp, and C. Bruder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 094102 (2014)

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