Progress and current status of the Potassium-Cesium cold atom experiment
Emil Kirilov, Michael Grobner, Phillip Wiemann and Hans-Christoph Nagerl
Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Gases, University of Innsbruck, Austria
In this poster the current state of the KCs experiment will be outlined in detail. The goals of the experiment, which range from the production of a ultra-cold sample of dipolar KCs molecules in a 3D optical lattice with variable geometry to the in-situ imaging of 1 and 2D lattice models of bosons with variable onsite interaction (Cs and K39) and fermions (K40) using high resolution optical microscopy. KCs molecules are of particular interest because it is predicted that in their ground state the dipole moment is ~1.9D (50% higher than RbCs) and because they are immune to all kinds of 2 body loss mechanisms. The dipole-dipole strongly anisotropic long-range interactions can then produce a range of novel quantum phases. A direct imaging of KCs molecules using our high resolution microscope is also an attractive goal given that possible cycling transitions (with highly diagonal Frank-Condon factors) possibly exist (proposals for RbCs and KRb in that context are pursued already).