Cooling and amplification of a vacuum-trapped nanoparticle
Jan Gieseler1, Vijay Jain1, Martin Frimmer1, Loic Rondin1, Romain Quidant2, Christoph Dellago3, Lukas Novotny1
1: Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2: ICFO, Castelldefels, Spain
3: Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria
We optically trap a single nanoparticle in high vacuum and cool its three spatial degrees of freedom by means of active parametric feedback. The small size and mass of the nanoparticle yield high resonance frequencies and high Q-factors along with low recoil heating, which are essential conditions for ground state cooling and for low decoherence. The vacuum-trapped nanoparticle forms an ideal model system for studying non-equilibrium processes, nonlinear interactions, and ultrasmall forces.