Islam, Rajibul
Date: Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Time: 16:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Campus Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Host: Daniel Kienzler
Site-selective dissipation and measurement without decohering neighbours in a programmable trapped ion quantum simulator
Rajibul Islam
University of Waterloo, Canada
Trapped ions are a leading hardware platform for quantum information processing for their many excellent properties, such as long coherence time and the possibility to optically control them individually. In this talk, I will describe our experimental effort to develop programmable trapped ion quantum simulators based on Ytterbium and Barium ions. Techniques from holographic optical engineering to machine learning can be combined to harness the power of these simulators. I will present our recent experimental results from the Yb system on dissipating and measuring a target ion while retaining the coherence of its neighbor only a few microns away (without shuttling). These capabilities, together with the ability to create programmable coherent spin-spin interactions form the basis of novel quantum simulations, such as new algorithms for cooling into a many-body ground state and observation of measurement driven phase transitions. I will also describe a compact and scalable single-qubit optical addressing system for Ba ions, leveraging laser-written waveguide technology for visible wavelengths.