Mivehvar, Farokh
Date: Monday, Jun 7, 2021
Time: 14:30
Place: scheduled Zoom meeting
Host: Tobias Donner
Cavity-Induced Dynamical Gauge Potentials
Farokh Mivehvar
University of Innsbruck, Austria
Experimental progress in strongly coupling quantum gases into quantized electromagnetic fields of optical cavities has opened a new avenue in many-body physics - referred to commonly as many-body cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) - where the dynamics of both quantum matter and electromagnetic fields play equally essential roles. In this talk, after a short review of state of the art in many-body cavity QED I will present some of our recent theoretical works on many-body cavity QED. In particular, I will talk about cavity-indued dynamical gauge potentials for neutral ultracold atoms and show that interesting effects arise due to these cavity-induced dynamical gauge potentials, most notably topological spin ordering, dynamical instabilities and Faraday's induction law for neutral atoms.