Giamarchi, Thierry

Date:   Thursday, June 3, 2021
Time:   10:00
Place:   scheduled Zoom meeting
Host:    Klaus Ensslin

Quantum transport, interactions, and low dimensional systems

Thierry Giamarchi
University of Geneva

The idea of probing a physical system by attaching it to reservoirs and then measuring its transport properties is one of the oldest ideas in condensed matter. Despite its apparent simplicity such measurements have led to remarkable new effects such as the quantization of conductance and the quantum hall effect. In the recent years, cold atomic systems have allowed similar realizations of systems coupled to reservoirs, but with the added value of an unprecedented level of control of the interactions and the characteristics of the system between the reservoirs. This has led to new questions concerning the transport, in particular for spin transport and hall physics.

I will review such issues in this talk and discuss some of the peculiar transport properties that one can get in low dimensional structures such as chains or ladders. I will connect the various concepts to experiments done or possible in cold atomic gases.

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