Ihn, Thomas

Date:   Thursday, December 10, 2020
Time:   10:00
Place:   scheduled Zoom meeting
Host:    Klaus Ensslin

The rich physics of small graphene quantum dots

Thomas Ihn
ETH Zurich

Graphene has been praised for its favorable properties as a host material for quantum dot qubits already fourteen years ago. Recent substantial progress in material quality, fabrication and device design allow realizing devices comparable in quality to the best quantum dot qubits today. Experiments reveal the rich physics present in these structures, which contain ingredients from gate-tunable band structure, symmetry breaking, Berry curvature, exchange interactions and correlations. While we are currently in the process of unraveling and learning to control all these ingredients in bilayer graphene quantum dots, exciting new experiments are ahead of us exploring the figures of merit for qubit operation. In this talk I aim at conveying the basic understanding of material and devices and at exposing the current state of our research.

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