Chu, Yiwen

Date:   Thursday, June 18, 2020
Time:   10:00
Place:   scheduled Zoom meeting
Host:    Klaus Ensslin

Converting quantum signals between the microwave and optical domains

Yiwen Chu
ETH Zurich

Unlike atoms or other solid-state systems such as quantum dots and defect centers, superconducting circuits do not have a natural interface with optical photons. This makes it very challenging to incorporate quantum circuits into long distance quantum networks, where visible or infrared photons are the most convenient and widely-used carriers of quantum information. The development of a transducer capable of faithfully converting quantum information between the microwave and the optical domains has therefore become a widely pursued goal. I will give an overview of the required specifications for such a quantum transducer and summarize recent progress in this field. I will then describe how a bulk acoustic resonator could be used to build a quantum transducer, including potential advantages, challenges, and preliminary progress in our group.

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