Esslinger, Tilman

Date:   Thursday, May 28, 2020
Time:   10:00
Place:   scheduled Zoom meeting
Host:    Klaus Ensslin

Restricted Transport between Confined Quantum Gases

Tilman Esslinger
ETH Zurich

A gas in a container is a fundamental system in physics. A quantum gas in a container is an experimental system that provides unique access to the richness of quantum many-body physics. If two containers are physically coupled the scope increases, since a well-controlled non equilibrium situation to study transport phenomena in new regimes is created. In this talk I will introduce the basic setting of transport experiments between two quantum gas reservoirs [1]. Going beyond the (quantized) transport of matter, we will look at heat [2] and spin transport [3] and discuss a non-equilibrium steady-state in a strongly interacting Fermi gas. This cold atom version of the fountain effect, previously observed in superfluid helium superleaks, is characterized by a weak coupling between heat and particle currents.

[1] Krinner, Esslinger, Brantut, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 29, 343003 (2017).
[2] Husmann, Lebrat, Häusler, Brantut, Corman, Esslinger, PNAS, 115, 8563 (2018).
[3] Lebrat, Häusler, Fabritius, Husmann, Corman, Esslinger, PRL, 123, 193605 (2019).

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