Knörzer, Johannes

Date:   Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Time:   16:00
Place:   ETH Zurich, scheduled Zoom meeting
Host:    Sebastian Huber

Semiconductor-based electron lattices for quantum information processing

Johannes Knörzer
Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Munich, Germany


Most physical implementations of quantum simulators can be largely grouped into two categories: (i) solid-state systems (e.g., superconducting qubits, quantum dots, color centers) and (ii) AMO systems (e.g., cold atoms, trapped ions, photons). While the former benefit from rapidly evolving nanotechnology and often an intrinsic scalability, the latter constitute a prime example of well-controlled quantum systems which are typically well-isolated from their environment. It is natural to ask how the advantages of these different paradigms can be brought together either in hybrid quantum systems or by translating fundamental concepts from one to another. In this spirit, we have investigated specific semiconductor-based implementations from a quantum-optics perspective.
In this talk, I will introduce recent ideas for the realization of scalable electron lattices. A general theoretical framework will be presented to demonstrate that thermally stable traps for semiconductor quasi-particles can be generated either by (i) exposing them to time-dependent electric potentials generated with surface acoustic waves (SAWs) in piezoelectric substrates or (ii) magnetically driving the particle’s internal spin transition. In both scenarios, striking similarities with atomic systems will be highlighted.
If time allows, I will also discuss a recently proposed all-optical readout scheme for self-assembled Wigner crystals in two-dimensional semiconductors.

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