Malz, Daniel

Date:   Thursday, January 23, 2020
Time:   14:00
Place:   ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT F 32
Host:    Christopher Eichler

Nondestructive photon counting and metrology in waveguide QED

Daniel Malz
Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Munich, Germany

I will talk about our recent work on novel approaches to measure the number of photons in a wavepacket traveling in a waveguide. Our proposal is based on the key idea that it is typically far easier to read out atomic states than to directly detect photons. I will present a way to map the number of photons to properties of an atomic array coupled to the waveguide, give key figures of merit and talk about potential experimental platforms. Taking this idea further, I will show that the proposed detector can be operated so as perform a nondestructive/QND measurement. Finally, I will briefly talk about some recent results that indicate that the same principle can be used for Heisenberg-limited metrology.

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