Hagenmueller, David
Date: Monday, January 13, 2020
Time: 16:30
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT H 42
Host: Ataç İmamoğlu
Shaping electronic properties with the electromagnetic vacuum
David Hagenmüller
University of Strasbourg and CNRS, France.
Using strong light-matter interactions to control electronic properties in condensed-matter systems is an ongoing broad research effort. In particular, it is known that quantum transport [1,2] and superconductivity [3,4] can be modified using an external radiation. In the absence of the latter, it is an interesting question whether these properties may be also affected by coupling the relevant matter excitations to the electromagnetic field confined in a cavity with enhanced vacuum fluctuations. Of particular interest is the strong coupling
regime of cavity-QED, where the light-matter coupling strength exceeds the decay rates [5,6]. In this case, light and matter can exchange energy in a (quasi) reversible way and the eigenstates feature an hybrid character with shifted frequencies. In this talk, I will discuss recent results showing how both coherent quantum transport and superconductivity can be enhanced under strong light-matter coupling conditions.
[1] M. A. Zudov et al. Phys. Rev B. 64, 201311(R) (2001)
[2] R. Mani et al. Nature 420, 646 (2002)
[3] A. F. G. Wyatt et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 1166 (1966)
[4] D. Fausti et al., Science 331, 189 (2011)
[5] H.J. Kimble, Physica Scripta T76, 127 (1998)
[6] J.M. Raimond, M. Brune, and S. Haroche, Rev. Mod. Phys. 73 (2001)