Passagem, Henry
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Time: 10:30
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Host: Jonathan Home
Continuous production of vibronic ground-state 85^Rb_2 molecules in a crossed dipole trap by a high-power light beam
Henry Passagem
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
The development of cooling and trapping techniques for diatomic polar molecules have been motivated by their wide range of potential applications, which are associated with their long-range dipole-dipole interaction and complex internal structure. Although, such applications are all very exciting, the production of a cold and dense molecular sample is still very challenging. In this work, we have developed a technique to continuously load v_x = 0 85^Rb_2 ultracold molecules into a crossed optical dipole trap from a standard magneto-optical trap using a single light beam. Such beam is composed of a single frequency coherent light source, which is responsible for short range PA of cold rubidium atoms, and an incoherent broadband light source which transfers the molecules in difeerent vibrational levels (v_x) of the singlet-ground-state X, into v_x = 0, through optical pumping. The molecules can be observed by REMPI technique. The molecular trap lifetime was measured and we believe it is limited by off-resonant photon scattering from the ODT. This technique maybe applied to different atomic systems for the formation of new molecular species in the ultracold domain.