Caves, Carlton
Date: Thursday, January 25, 2018
Time: 15:45
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPV G 5
Hosts: Renato Renner / Joe Renes
QSIT Collloquium
Diving Deep into a Quantum-Information-Processing Problem: Quantum Limits on the Performance of Linear Amplifiers
Carlton M. Caves
Center for Quantum Information and Control
University of New Mexico, USA
Josephson-effect linear amplifiers now operate at the fundamentalquantum limit on noise temperature for linear amplifiers. So whynot do this old problem - quantum limits on the performance oflinear amplifiers - right, using the modern tools of quantuminformation theory? I will discuss the general limits on theperformance of linear amplifiers, both those that actdeterministically and those that, like air travel, only work someof the time. All of this illustrates how an old problem – in thiscase, a problem 70 years old – just keeps on giving as improvingexperimental techniques pose new questions and new theoreticaltools allow those questions to be answered.
A video of this talk is published here