Olshanii, Maxim
Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Time: 11:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, Room HIT H 42
Host: Tilman Esslinger
Three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii solitary waves in optical lattices: stabilization using the artificial quartic kinetic energy induced by lattice shaking
Maxim Olshanii
University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
In this presentation, we show that a three-dimensional Bose-Einstein solitary wave can become stable if the dispersion law is changed from quadratic to quartic. We suggest a way to realize the quartic dispersion, using shaken optical lattices. Estimates show that the resulting solitary waves can occupy as little as ∼1/20-th of the Brillouin zone in each of the three directions and contain as many as N = 1000 atoms, thus representing a fully mobile three-dimensional quantum macroscopic object.
In collaboration with S. Choi (UMB), V. Dunjko (UMB), A. E. Feiguin (NorthEastern U), H. Perrin (Paris 13 U), J. Ruhl (UMB) and D. Aveline (JPL)
Supported by the NSF, ONR and IFRAF.