Uzdin, Raam
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Time: 11:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT E 41.1
Host: Andreas Wallraff
New approaches in quantum thermodynamics
Raam Uzdin
The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
In recent years the field of quantum thermodynamics, and the study of microscopic and quantum heat machines has been rapidly growing. Moreover present day technology is now suitable for experimental investigations in various systems such as cold ions, superconducting circuits, and NV centers in diamonds. In this talk I'll present several of my recent results including Zeno thermal baths, quantum-thermodynamic signatures of heat machines and a new family of second laws that has the Clausius inequality structure. On top of illustrating the differences between microscopic and macroscopic thermodynamics these results may lead to the formulation of new questions and new research directions.