Ghosh, Sankalpa
Date: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Time: 11:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Host: Tobias Donner
Cavity opto-mechanics with ultra cold-atoms in synthetic gauge fields
Sankalpa Ghosh
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
In this talk we discuss quantum optomechanics of ultra-cold atoms in synthetic abelian and non-abelian gauge field placed inside a single mode Fabry-Perot cavity. Atom-photon coupling ensures interesting features for the resulting phases of the ultra cold atoms. As specific cases we shall consider the cavity opto-mechanics of ultra-cold fermionic atoms placed in a synthetic magnetic field (abelian case) and the cavity induced phase diagram of spin-orbit coupled ultra-cold bosonic atoms (non-abelian case). We particularly emphasize how the bistable features in the transmission spectrum from the cavity can be used to detect the interesting properties of ultra cold atoms in such a cavity.
The talk is primarily based on the following references:
1. Bikash Padhi and Sankalpa Ghosh, Atoms, Vol 4, pp 1 (2016) (invited review article) doi:10.3390/atoms4010001
2. Bikash Padhi and Sankalpa Ghosh, Physical Review A, Vol. 90, 023627 (2014).
3. Bikash Padhi and Sankalpa Ghosh, Physical Review Letters, Vol 111, 043603 (2013)