Palmero, Mikel

Date: Tuesday September 30, 2014
Time: 13:30
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Hosts: Joseba Alonso, Jonathan Home

Shortcuts to adiabaticity in trapped ion manipulation

Mikel Palmero
Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain

Shortcuts to adiabaticity are techniques that mimic an adiabatic process, but without  necessarily following an adiabatic evolution. The idea is to engineer the process such that, after the evolution (that could in principle be diabatic), we recover the same final state that would have been reached through an adiabatic process. The benefits of this are that one can in principle design the process to be as fast as wanted, since we are overcoming the adiabatic limits. Here, we have used the invariant-based inverse engineering approach to design shortcut protocols to manipulate trapped ion chains such as transport [1], expansion/compression or splitting. Based on a normal mode approximation, we are able to apply the simple theory of 1 dimensional problems, and design the evolution of the driving potential for the different problems. These shortcut protocols are in principle designed for the approximate Hamiltonian, but our simulations show the validity range of it. The results show that this protocols work well in times relevant for quantum processing with trapped ion technology.


[1] M. Palmero, R. Bowler, J.P. Gaebler, D. Leibfried, and J.G. Muga, arXiv: Quant-ph/1406.7455.

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