Scarani, Valerio
Date: Thursday September 18, 2014
Time: 16:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HIT J 53
Host: Yeong-Cherng Liang, Renato Renner
Black-box assessment of quantum devices
Valerio Scarani
Centre for Quantum Technologies, Singapore
The possibility of assessing some quantum devices based only on the observed statistics, usually called "device-independent" certification, has been the object of intense research for almost a decade. A lot of results are available regarding the usefulness of a device for specific tasks: key distribution, randomness expansion or amplification... However, one can do more: in some cases, one can assess the whole quantum state and the measurements acting on it. I shall review this possibility, which was called "self-testing" in the pioneering work of Mayers and Yao, and present our recent progress
(arXiv;1307.7053, arXiv:1406.7127, arXiv:1407.5769).