Meier, Fabian
Date: Tuesday September 16, 2014
Time: 13:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G6
Hosts: Ben Keitch, Jonathan Home
Robust Software - How to add Quality into your Software Projects
Fabian Meier
G-Lab GmbH, Switzerland
Have you spent long evenings searching for a mysterious software bug? Why does software quality matter in research environment?
Fabian Meier presents a number of best practices that apply to any software development project. The topics presented are:
- Why does software quality matter?
- Useful software tools
- Software crafting methods
- How to detect and prevent errors before they happen
The presented practices are easy to understand and can be implemented with any programming language.
About Fabian Meier:
Fabian Meier has a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University in Chicago. He is Vice President of Product Development for Audio Products for G-Lab GmbH. He manages product development from the idea until the mass production of audio products, which are sold under the brand GENEVA. The most complicated GENEVA product has five different systems running custom software at the same time.
Earlier in his career he worked as a system and software engineer in project development departments in Silicon Valley and Switzerland. He has written software on embedded systems and workstations. One of his specialties is image and video compression.