Shields, Brendan
Date: Tuesday July 22, 2014
Time: 10:00
Place: Basel University, Department of Physics, Room 1.22
Host: Patrick Maletinsky
Diamond platforms for nanoscale photonics and metrology
Brendan Shields
Harvard University
The nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is a promising system for diverse applications in solid state quantum science, ranging from quantum computing to nanoscale sensing. I will discuss our efforts to engineer photonic devices from diamond for improved NV performance, in two directions. The first is an enhanced light-matter interaction enabled by photonic crystals that strongly confine light to the region of the NV. These devices show a 7x enhancement of the coherent zero phonon emission from the NV, and are a first step towards NV-based nodes in a quantum photonic network. The second is a method for improved room temperature spin readout based on high photon collection efficiency and spin-to-charge conversion in nanoscale diamond waveguides. Single-shot spin readout noise in these devices is less than 3x spin projection noise. I will show how this improved spin readout can be used for room temperature magnetic sensing.