Bowler, Ryan

Date: Monday July 7, 2014
Time: 14:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Host: Jonathan Home

Scalable Techniques for Trapped-ion Quantum Information Processing

Ryan Bowler
NIST, Boulder, CO, USA

I report progress towards combining all the building blocks required for scalable quantum information processing using trapped atomic ions. Included elements are qubits with long coherence times, a laser-induced universal gate, information transport, and motional-state initialization using a second coolant ion species. Our techniques include the use of a multiple electrode segmented trap, wherein information transport is achieved through the transport of ions between spatially distinct locations. While experiment timescales had previously been dominated by ion transport and re-cooling of motional states, we have achieved transport of qubit ions on timescales comparable to quantum logic with low motional excitations. This work has been extended to achieve fast transport of a qubit- and coolant-ion chain. We have also achieved rapid sympathetic ground-state cooling using an electromagnetic transparency scheme. I will also report on other work in our group, including dissipative entanglement between qubit ions in a qubit- and coolant-ion chain, and work in surface ion traps which demonstrate techniques which can provide improvements over some of the limitations in our method sets.

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