Gasparinetti, Simone
Date: Thursay March 20, 2014
Time: 11:00
Place: ETH Zurich, Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Host: Stefan Filipp & Andreas Wallraff
Cooper-pair pumps: turning quantum coherence into an electric current
Simone Gasparinetti
Aalto University, Finland
In Cooper-pair pumps a net transfer of charge results from the cyclic manipulation of a macroscopically coherent quantum system. Cooper-pair pumps make it possible, for instance, to study geometric phases and their interference, to realize quantum pumping using charge-state superpositions and to investigate the interplay between decoherence and a periodic drive. They are also a potential candidate for quantum metrology. I will briefly review the history of Cooper-pair pumps and report on our recent progress in the field.