Piazza, Francesco
Date: Wednesday July 24, 2013
Time: 14:00
Place: ETH Science City, HPF G6
Hosts: Ferdinand Brennecke, Tilman Esslinger
Bose-Einstein Condensation versus Dicke-Hepp-Lieb Transition in an Optical Cavity
Francesco Piazza
TU Munich, Germany
We study the interplay between Bose-Einstein condensation and the Dicke-Hepp-Lieb self-organisation transition of a Bose gas trapped inside a single-mode optical cavity and subject to a transverse laser drive. We determine the full phase diagram at arbitrary temperature and calculate the dynamically generated band structure of the atoms in the self-organised phase where the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature is suppressed. Moreover, we compute the photon spectral function, which drastically changes across the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature. At low temperatures, the critical value of the Dicke-Hepp-Lieb transition decreases with temperature and thus thermal fluctuations do enhance the tendency to a periodic arrangement of the atoms.