Hume, David B.
Friday October 14,2011
Time: 15:00
Place: HPF G 6
Host: Jonathan Home
From quantum logic spectroscopy to coherent state detection: Experiments with AI+ clockwork
David B. Hume
University of Heidelberg, Germany
The 1S0 – 3P0 transition in 27Al+ has a natural linewidth of 8 mHz and exhibits low frequency shifts from electromagnetic fields, making it attractive as an optical frequency standard. The lack of an accessible transition in Al+ for direct laser cooling and fluorescence measurements requires that we use a simultaneously-trapped ion for sympathetic cooling and state detection. Two optical clocks have been built at NIST based on this principle. In this talk I will introduce the operation of the Al+ optical clocks and present data demonstrating their performance, with the newer clock exhibiting an inaccuracy below 10-17. To extend these results and enable new experiments we have explored different techniques for Al+ state detection. One technique simultaneously detects the state of multiple Al+ allowing us to observe mutual coherence between two ions beyond Q = 1015. Another detection technique based on coherent states of motion simplifies spectroscopy of 27Al+ and may be applied to a wide range of trapped-ion species.