Brownnutt, Michael
Friday Sept 30, 2011
Time: 9:30
Place: HPF G 6
Host: Joseba Alonso Otamendi
Scalable trapped-ion quantum computing in Innsbruck
Michael Brownnutt
University of Innsbruck, Austria
At present it is possible to perform reliable quantum operations on up to about ten ionic qubits. Unfortunately, simply putting lots of these systems together brings technical and fundamental problems, which prevent us from going to 20 ions (let alone a million ions) without radically rethinking what we do. To this end a new set of experiments has been built up in Innsbruck, two of which will be described in this talk. Firstly I will describe the new cryotrap experiment, in which novel traps and associated equipment can be tested with a fast turn around time. This has enabled rapid development of in-vacuum electronics, and also paves the way to experiments with in-vacuum evaporative plating of the traps. Secondly, I will present a new method of shuttling ions using variable RF potentials, which allows operations in 2D arrays of ions.