Barbara Terhal, RWTH Aachen
From Majorana Fermions to Topological Order
RWTH Aachen, Germany
Co-authors: F. Hassler and D.P. DiVincenzo
We consider a system consisting of a 2D network of links between Majorana fermions on superconducting islands. We show that the fermionic Hamiltonian modeling this system is topologically-ordered in a region of parameter space. By using a Jordan-Wigner transformation we can map the model onto a family of signed 2D Ising models in a transverse field where the signs (FM or AFM) are determined by additional gauge bits. Our mapping allows an understanding of the non-perturbative regime and the phase transition to a non-topological phase. We discuss the physics behind a possible implementation of this model and argue how it can be used for topological quantum computation by adiabatic changes in the Hamiltonian.