Abstract Submission

Everyone participating is asked to submit a two-page abstract. It should include an introductory section with a brief overview of the topic. The technical parts should be reduced to a minimum (rather refer to scientific papers).

In order to prepare your two-page abstract please download the conference macro / styles  and follow the instruction in the README.txt file and in the abstract.tex file. Please do not include other libraries into your tex-file than the ones given above.

For inspiration, feel free to read through last year’s abstract booklet, link

Please submit your abstract by as a .tex file with all figures and bibliography and additionally as .pdf document.

The deadline for abstract submission is May 13th 2018.

Format of talks

The talks should be 12min + 3min questions. You are free to choose the topic of your talk: either present your own results/research plan, or you can also choose to present the state-of-the-art in your group. Keep in mind that your audience may have little to no experience in your field of research, so try to keep the talk broad enough for everyone to follow.


There will be a poster sessions during the meeting. If you have a poster, you’re encouraged to bring it with you. It can be a poster about your research specifically, or also a poster showing the work of your group in general.

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