Posters General Meeting

Poster size A O, upright.There will be a number of pin-boards in the nearby seminar rooms of the conference hall. Additional posters can be stuck to the walls in the seminar rooms (don't use the walls behind the pin-boards). Please take adequate tape with you to mount your poster without destroying the paint on the wall !!

Please send your poster title, authors' list and research group affiliation to

  1. Quantum Logic Spectroscopy of Molecules
    G. Hegi
    , K. Najafian, M. Germann, M. Sinhal, A. Mokhberi, T. Damjanovic, I. Sergachev, S. Willitsch
    Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
  2. Microcavities for Levitated Optomechanics
    Rene Reimann, Lukas Novotny
    D-ITET, ETH Zurich
  3. Controlling the Charge of a Vacuum-Trapped Nanoparticle
    Martin Frimmer, Lukas Novotny
    D-ITET, ETH Zurich
  4. Tomography of Majorana Fermions with STM Tips
    Denis Chevalier
    , Jelena Klinovaja
    Department of Physics, University of Basel
  5. Destructive interference of direct and crossed Andreev pairing in two nanowires coupled via an s-wave superconductor
    Christopher Reeg, Jelena Klinovaja, and Daniel Loss
    Department of Physics, University of BaselDepartment of Physics, University of Basel
  6. A Full Configuration Interaction Monte Carlo approach to the nonequilibrium steady state of open quantum systems
    Alexandra Nagy
    Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Nanosystems, EPFL
  7. Nonclassical statistics from a bosonic Josephson Junction
    Hugo Flayac
    Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Nanosystems, EPFL
  8. Quantum operations and indefinite causal order
    Veronika Baumann, Ämin Baumeler, and Stefan Wolf
    USI Lugano
  9. Few- and many-body interactions in cold and ultrahold Rydberg gases
    J. A. Agner, P. Allmendinger, J. Deiglmayr, K. Höveler, M. Peper, P. Pillet, H. Saßmannshausen, H. Schmutz, Ch. Seiler, and F. Merkt
    Molecular Physics and Spectroscopy, ETH Zurich
  10. Temporal multimode storage of entangled photon pairs
    Alexey Tiranov, Peter C. Strassmann, Jonathan Lavoie, Nicolas Brunner, Marcus Huber, Varun B. Verma, Sae Woo Nam, Richard P. Mirin, Adriana E. Lita, Francesco Marsili, Mikael Afzelius, Félix Bussières, and Nicolas Gisin
    GAP optique, Université de Genève
  11. Quantum nonlocality in Networks
    Marc-Olivier Renou
    GAP optique, Université de Genève
  12. Towards coupling silicon quantum dots to superconducting resonators
    Andreas V. Kuhlmann, Veeresh Deshpande, Antonis Olziersky, Ute Drechsler, Stefan Filipp, Peter Mueller, Andreas Fuhrer
    IBM Research Zurich
  13. Nonlocal Correlations of Entangled Two-Qudit States Using Energy-Time Entangled Photons
    Sacha Schwarz(1), Bänz Bessire(1), Alberto Montina(2), Stefan Wolf(2), Yeong-Cherng Liang(3) and André Stefanov(1)
    (1) University of Bern (2) USI Lugano (3) National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
  14. Coincidence detection of spatially correlated photon pairs with a monolithic time-resolving detector array
    Manuel  Unternährer(1), Bänz Bessire(1), Leonardo Gasparini, David Stoppa, André Stefanov(1)
    (1) Uniiversity of Bern (2) Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
  15. Helical spin states in semiconductor quantum systems
    P. Altmann, T. Henn, S. Markmann, L. Czornomaz, C. Reichl, T. Tschirky, W. Wegscheider, G. Salis
    IBM Research Zurich & ETH Zurich
  16. Quantum synchronization
    Ehud Amitai, Martin Koppenhöfer, Niels Lörch, and Christoph Bruder
    Department of Physics, University of Basel
  17. Fragmented superradiance of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical cavity
    Axel Lode and Christoph Bruder
    Department of Physics, University of Basel
  18. Quantum Annealing
    G. Mazzola, B. Heim, G. Carleo, M. Koenz and M. Troyer
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  19. Spin coherent physics in electronic dot-cavity systems
    Michael Sven Ferguson, David Oehri, Clemens Rössler, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, Gianni Blatter and Oded Zilberberg
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  20. Quantum Thermodynamics in Mesoscopic Systems
    P. P. Hofer, J. B. Brask, M. Perarnau-Llobet, R. Silva, J.-R. Souquet, A. A. Clerk, M. Huber, N. Brunner
    GAP quantum correllations, University of Geneva
  21. Scanning tunneling microscopy of a quantum wire out of equilibrium
    Antonio Štrkalj, Michael Sven Ferguson, Tobias Wolf, Ivan Levkivskyi, Oded Zilberberg
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  22. Quantum metrology with ultracold atomic ensembles
    T. Zibold, M. Fadel, R. Schmied, B. Allard, B. Décamps, J.-D. Bancal, N. Sangouard, P. Treutlein
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  23. Quantum interfaces of atoms and mechanical oscillators
    B. Gouraud, T. Karg, A. Jöckel, G. Buser, A. Faber, P. Treutlein
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  24. Nanoscale quantum sensing using single spins in diamond
    Lucas Thiel, Patrick Appel, James Wood, Natascha Hedrich, Clevin Handschin, Christian Schönenberger, Patrick Maletinsky
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  25. Quantum interference in a hybrid sin-oscillator system
    Arne Barfuss, Johanns Kölbl, Mark Kasperczyk, Patrick Maletinsky
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  26. Quantum Light from Inelastic Scattering in Water
    Mark Kasperczyk (1), Filomeno S. de Aguiar Júnior (2), Cassiano Rabelo (2), Lukas Novotny (3), and Ado Jorio (2)
    (1) Department of Physics, University of Basel (2) Department of Physics, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (3) Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich
  27. Out-of-equilibrium many-body manifestation of interaction-free measurement: The Elitzur-Vaidman bomb
    Tobias M. R. Wolf, Antonio Strkalj, Michael Sven Ferguson, Ivan Levkivsky, Oded Zilberberg
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  28. Witnessing the non-classical nature of light with rudimentary detectors
    A. Dodel, A. Mayinda, E. Oudot, A. Martin, P.S ekatski, J.-D. Bancal, N. Sangouard
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  29. Novel transport features in grapheneAutoren:
    Clevin Handschin, Simon Zihlmann, Peter Makk, Peter Rickhaus, Vishal Ranjan, Minkyung Jung, Christian Schoenenberger
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  30. Quantum transport experiments in carbon nanotubes and semiconducting nanowiresGulibusitan Abulizi, Christian Junger, Andreas Baumgartner, Arunav Bordoloi, Mihai-Cezar Harabula, Vishal Ranjan, Roy Haller, Gergo Fulop, Thomas Hasler, Christian Schoenenberger
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  31. Effective theory and emergent SU(2) symmetry in the flat bands of attractive Hubbard models
    Murad Tovmasyan, S. Peotta, P. Törmä and S. Huber
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  32. A semiconductor-cold atom hybrid quantum system
    Jan-Philipp Jahn, Lucas Beguin, Gianni Buser, Janik Wolters, Mathieu Munsch, Philipp Treutlein, Richard J. Warburton
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  33. Enhancing the optical properties of spin-coherent colour centres in diamond
    Daniel Riedel, Patrick Maletinsky and Richard J. Warburton
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  34. Nanoscale imaging of current flow with a diamond quantum sensor
    Marius Palm, Kevin Chang, Luca Lorenzelli, Jan Rhensius, Alex Eichler, Christian Degen
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
  35. Strong pinning and creep of vortices in type-II superconductors
    Martin Buchacek, Roland Willa, Vadim B. Geshkenbein, Gianni Blatter
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich 
  36. Parametrically driven Bose Einstein condensates coupled to a cavity
    P. Molignini, L. Papariello, A. Lode, and R. Chitra
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  37. Bottom-up engineered nanostructures for quantum applications
    H. Potts, L. Francaviglia, M. Friedl, G. Tütüncüoglu, P. McIntyre, A. Fontcuberta i Morral
    Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  38. Measurement of the cavity dispersive shift induced by an ensemble of Rydberg atoms
    S. Garcia, M. Stammeier, T. Thiele, J.Deiglmayr, J.Agner, H.Schmutz, F.Merkt, and A.Wallraff
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
  39. 24-Hours Relativistic Bit Commitment
    E.Verbanis, A. Martin, R. Houlmann, G. Boso, F. Bussières and H. Zbinden
    University of Geneva
  40. Vectorial scanning force microscopy using a nanowire resonator
    N. Rossi, F. R. Braakman, D. Cadeddu, D. Vasyukov, G. Tütüncüoglu, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, and M. Poggio
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  41. Direct imaging of a vortex state in short CoFeB nanotubes
    L. Ceccarelli, M. Wyss, N. Rossi, B. Gross, D. Vasyukov G. Tütüncüoglu, F. Heimbach, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, D. Grundler, and M. Poggio
    Depatment of Physics, University of Basel
  42. Transport and optical Transmission through an ultra-strongly coupled system
    G. L. Paravicini-Bagliani, J. Keller, G. Scalari, E. Richter, F. Appugliese, F. Valmorra, C. Maissen, M. Beck, J. Haase, M. Failla, M. Myronov, C. Morrison, D. R. Leadley, J. Lloyd-Hughes, C. Rössler, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, J. Faist
    Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
  43. Ultracold atoms in cavities
    Nishant Dogra, Tobias Donner, Tilman Esslinger, Lorenz Hruby, Katrin Kröger, Manuele Landini, Julian Leonard, Andrea Morales, Philip Zupancic
    Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
  44. Quantum simulations with ultracold Fermions
    Laura Corman, Rémi Desbuquois, Tilman Esslinger, Frederik Görg, Samuel Häusler, Dominik Husmann, Martin Lebrat, Michael Messer, Kilian Sandholzer
    Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
  45. Superconducting nanowires single-photon detectors based on amorphous superconductors
    M. Caloz1, B. Korzh1, N. Timoney1, M. Weiss2, S. Gariglio3, C. Schönenberger4, R. Warburton2, J. Renema5, H. Zbinden1, F. Bussières1
    1 Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva / 2 Nanophotonics group, University of Basel / 3 Department of quantum matter physics, University of Geneva / 4 Nanoelectronics group, University of Basel / 5 Clarendon Laboratory, University of Oxford , UK
  46. Imaging and manipulation of spin- and topological states in GaAs
    Andrea Hofmann, Andreas Landig, Carolin Gold, Marc Röösli, Szymon Hennel, Christian Reichl, Werner Wegscheider, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
  47. Real-time segmented averager implementation for quantum computing experiments using FPGA
    Stefania Balasiu, Abdulkadir Akin, Andrei Romila, Johannes Heinsoo, Yves Salathé, Andreas Wallraff
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
  48. A Quantum Interface between Microwave and Optical Photonic Qubits
    Yuta Tsuchimoto, Patrick Knüppel, Sun Zhe, Aymeric Delteil, Stefan Fält, Martin Kroner, and Atac Imamoglu
    Quantum Photonics Group, Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
  49. Microwave activated interactions between superconducting qubits
    Marc Ganzhorn, Daniel Egger, Nikolaj Moll, Andreas Fuhrer, Stefan Filipp
    IBM Research Zurich
  50. Quantum transport in 2D materials
    M. Eich, Y. Lee, H.C. Overweg, R. Pisoni, P. Simonet, E. Kelly, A. Patane2, K. Watanabe1, T. Taniguchi1, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich / 1NIMS , Japan / 2University of Nottingham, UK
  51. Giant paramagnetism induced valley polarization of electrons in charge-tunable monolayer MoSe2
    Patrick Back, Meinrad Sidler and Atac Imamoglu
    Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
  52. Exploring fundamental aspects of Quantum Mechanics with a superconducting quantum computer
    Adrian Beckert, Christian K. Andersen, Sebastian Krinner, Yves Salathé, Johannes Heinsoo, Philipp Kurpiers, Paul Magnard, Theodore Walter, Simone Gasparinetti, Christopher Eichler and Andreas Wallraff
    ETH Zürich and Sherbrooke Université
  53. Spin-orbit interaction and hyperfine mediated spin relaxation in a shape-controlled GaAs quantum dot
    L. C. Camenzind, L. Yu, P. Weigele, D. Loss, D. M. Zumbühl, University of Basel / P. Stano, RIKEN, Japan / J. Zimmerman and A. C. Gossard, University of California, Santa Barbara
  54. Edge State Spectroscopy with a GaAs Quantum Wire
    T. Patlatiuk, C. P. Scheller, D. M. Zumbühl, Basel / G. Barak, A. Yacoby, Harvard / L. Pfeiffer, K. West, Princeton / W. Wegscheider, ETH Zurich
  55. Work Extraction in Ion Traps
    E. Bäumer, P. Kammerlander, M. Perarnau, M. Marinelli, J. Home, R. Renner
    Insttute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  56. Multivariate trace inequalities
    D. Sutter, M. Berta, M. Tomamichel, R. Renner
    Insttute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  57. Scalable elements for trapped ions quantum computation
    M. Marinelli, R. Matt, V. Negnevitsky, C. Flühmann, H.Y. Lo, J. Alonso, J. Home.
    Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
  58. Optical cavities for trapped ions
    S. Ragg, R. Oswald, C. Fischer, K. Theophilo , O. Wipfli, M. Grau, M. Marinelli and J.P. Home
    Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
  59. Carnot's theorem from operational assumptions
    Philipp Kammerlander und Renato Renner
    Insttute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  60. Transport Experiments in coupled InAs/GaSb and InAs Quantum Wells
    C. Mittag, M. Karalic, S. Mueller, K. Pakrouski, L. Tiemann, Q. Wu, A. A. Soluyanov, M. Troyer, T. Tschirky, W. Wegscheider, K. Ensslin, and T. Ihn
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
  61. Detecting Topological Superconductivity with 𝜑0 Josephson Junctions
    Constantin Schrade, Silas Hoffman and Daniel Loss
    Department of Physics, University of Basel
  62. Current status in As- and Sb-based III-V semiconductor heterostructure MBE growth
    S. FältJ. Scharnetzky, E. Külah, M. Lupatini, L. Alt, M. Berl, Ch. Lehner, T. Tschirky, Ch. Reichl, W. Dietsche and W. Wegscheider
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
  63. Quantum coherent transport of ultracold fermions through a mesoscopic lattice
    Martin Lebrat, Dominik Husmann, Samuel Häusler, Laura Corman, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Tilman Esslinger / ETH Zurich.
    Pjotrs Grišins, Thierry Giamarchi / University of Geneva
  64. A dissipative quantum reservoir for microwave light using a mechanical oscillator.
    L. D. Tóth, N. R. Bernier, A. Nunnenkamp (U. Cambridge), A. K. Feofanov, and T. J. Kippenberg
    Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
  65. Nonreciprocal reconfigurable microwave optomechanical circuit.
    N. R. Bernier, L. D. Tóth, A. Koottandavida, A. K. Feofanov, and T. J. Kippenberg
    Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne




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