Posters Winter School
There will be a number of pin-boards in the foyer of the conference hall. Additional posters can be stuck to the walls in the foyer of the conference hall and nearby seminar rooms. Please take adequate tape with you to mount your poster without destroying the paint on the wall.
Please send your poster title, authors' list and research group affiliation to
- Single spin microscopy for nano-magnetic imaging and sensing
L. Thiel, M. Ganzhorn, P. Appel, B. Shields, E. Neu, P. Maletinsky
Quantum sensing lab, University of Basel
- Hybrid spin-oscillator dynamics with strain-coupled single spins
A. Barfuss, J. Teissier, P. Appel, E. Neu, P. Maletinsky
Quantum sensing lab, University of Basel
- Singlet oxygen detection using single photon counting
Gianluca Boso
GAP optique, University of Geneva
Ephanielle Verbanis
GAP optique, University of Geneva
- A tunable micro-cavity for quantum physics
Daniel Najer, Lukas Greuter, Daniel Riedel, Sebastian Starosielec, and Richard J. Warburton
Nano-Photonics Group, University of Basel
- An artificial Rb atom
Jan-Philipp Jahn, Mathieu Munsch, Luca Béguin, Andreas Kuhlmann, Philipp Treutlein, and Richard J. Warburton
Nano-Photonics Group, University of Basel
- Precision Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions in the Lamb-Dicke Regime
K. Najafian, G. Hegi, M. Germann, I. Sergachev, and S. Willitsch
Chemistry and Physics of Ultracold Molecular Ions, University of Basel
- Towards ion-atom hybrid quantum systems on a chip
I. Rouse, R. Schmid, P. Treutlein and S. Willitsch
Chemistry and Physics of Ultracold Molecular Ions, University of Basel
- Novel materials for quantum structures
Hiske Overweg, Marius Eich, Matija Karalic
Nanophysics, ETH Zurich
- Quantum simulation with ultracold atoms
Frederik Görg, Samuel Häusler, Philip Zupancic, Gregor Jotzu, Michael Messer, Frederik Görg, Thomas Uehlinger, Rémi Desbuquois, Daniel Greif, Sebastian Krinner, Dominik Husmann, Martin Lebrat, Samuel Häusler, David Stadler, Shuta Nakajima, Charles Grenier, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Julian Leonard, Andrea Morales, Philip Zupancic, Tobias Donner & Tilman Esslinger
Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zürich
- Helical States and Spin Helices in Low-Dimensional Systems
T. Patlatiuk, L. Camenzind, Y. Bilal, M. Rehmann, D. Zumbuhl
Quantum Transport Lab, University of Basel
- THz magnetopolaritons: new perspectives on superconducting cavities, transport and graphene
C. Maissen, J. Keller, G.L. Paravicini-Bagliani, F. Valmorra, G. Scalari, M. Beck, S. Cibella, R. Leoni, C. Reichl, C. Charpentier, C. Rössler, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, J. Faist
Quantum Optoelectronics Group, ETH Zurich