Posters General Meeting

There will be a number of pin-boards in the foyer of the conference hall. Additional posters can be stuck to the walls in the foyer of the conference hall and nearby seminar rooms. Please take adequate tape with you to mount your poster without destroying the paint on the wall.

  1. Antenna-Coupled Photon Emission from 2D Materials
    Palash Bharadwaj, Achint Jain
    Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich
  2. Dynamics and Control of a Vacuum-Trapped Nanoparticle
    Vijay Jain, M. Frimmer, J. Gieseler, E. Hebestreit, L. Rondin, L. Novotny
    Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich
  3. Nanowire-based (Al)GaAs quantum dots
    Luca Francaviglia and Yannik Fontana
    Laboratory of semiconductor materials, EPF Lausanne
  4. Mechanical mode coupling and nonlinearity in as-grown GaAs nanowires
    Davide Cadeddu
    Poggio Lab, University of Basel
  5. Non-Locality Distillation
    Helen Ebbe
    Cryptography and Quantum Information, USI, Lugano
  6. Quantum Key Distribution over 307 km
    Boris Korzh, Charles Ci Wen Lim, Raphael Houlmann, Hugo Zbinden
    Gap optique, University of Geneva
  7. Cold and ultracold collisions involving Rydberg atoms
    P. Allmendinger, J. Deiglmayr, H. Sassmannshausen, M. Zesko, O. Tkac, H. Schmutz, J. Agner, and Frédéric Merkt
    Molecular Physics and Spectroscopy, ETH Zurich
  8. Single spin microscopy for nano-magnetic imaging and sensing
    L. Thiel, M. Ganzhorn, P. Appel, B. Shields, E. Neu, P. Maletinsky
    Quantum sensing lab, University of Basel
  9. Hybrid spin-oscillator dynamics with strain-coupled single spins
    A. Barfuss, J. Teissier, P. Appel, E. Neu, P. Maletinsky
    Quantum sensing lab, University of Basel
  10. Suppressed spin decay of helical spin states in GaAs wire structures
    P. Altmann, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, and G. Salis
    IBM-Research Zurich
  11. Lumped Element Resonators for Quantum Information Processing
    Toni Rubio Abadal, Michele Collodo, Anton Potocnik, and Andreas Wallraff
    Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zürich
  12. Coupling to Spins in Silicon
    A. Fuhrer, N. Pascher, S. A. Köster, F. J. Ruess, N. Moll, P. Müller
    IBM-Rsearch, Zurich
  13. Strong coupling of a single quantum dot in a tunable micro-cavity
    Sebastian Starosielec, Lukas Greuter, Daniel Najer, Daniel Riedel, Andreas V. Kuhlmann, Richard J. Warburton
    Nano-Photonics Group, University of Basel
  14. Graphene - From mechanical resonators to single crystal CVD growth
    Kishan Thodkar, Minkyung Jung, Peter Rickhaus, Peter Makk, Michel Calame, Markus Weiss, Christian Schönenberger
    Nanoelectronics, University of  Basel
  15. Towards Ultrafast Detection of Energy-Time Entangled Photon Pairs
    Sacha Schwarz, Bänz Bessire, André Stefanov
    Quantum Optics Lab,  University of Bern
  16. Fine- and hyperfine structure effects in the quantum-state preparation of molecular ions
    M. Germann and S. Willitsch
    Chemistry and Physics of Ultracold Molecular Ions, University of Basel
  17. Quantum-Logic Spectroscopy Schemes for Single Trapped Molecular Ions
    G. Hegi, K. Najafian, M. Germann, I. Sergachev, and S. Willitsch
    Chemistry and Physics of Ultracold Molecular Ions, University of Basel
  18. Non-Locality in a Bose-Einstein condensate
    Roman Schmied, Nicolas Sangouard, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Baptiste Allard, Matteo Fadel, Philipp Treutlein
    Quantum Atom Optics Lab, University of Basel
  19. Hybrid atom-membrane optomechanics
    Aline Faber, Tobias Kampschulte, Andreas Jöckel, Lucas Beguin, Philipp Treutlein
    Quantum Atom Optics Lab, University of Basel
  20. Geometric frustration and incompressible photons in a polariton flat band
    Matteo Biondi, Evert Van Nieuwenburg, Sebastian Huber, Gianni Blatter, Sebastian Schmidt
    Institute for theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  21. Transport properties of edge states of two-dimensional topological

    T.L. Schmidt, T. Meng, C. Orth, G. Strubi, and R. Tiwari
    Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing Group, University of Basel
  22. Quantum optomechanics and quantum simulation
    C. Bruder, A. Lode, A. Nunnenkamp, S. Walter
    Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing Group, University of Basel
  23. Scanning gate experiments of GaAs quantum structures
    Beat Bräm, Richard Steinacher
    Nanophysics, ETH Zurich
  24. Quantum physics with GaAs quantum dots
    Andrea Hofmann, Tobias Krähenmann, Ville Maisi
    Nanophysics, ETH Zurich
  25. Novel materials for quantum structures
    Susanne Müller, Pauline Simonet
    Nanophysics, ETH Zurich
  26. Superconducting single-photon detectors
    F. Bussières, B. Korzh, M. Weiss, P Jahn, S. Gariglio, C. Schönenberger, R.J. Warburton, H. Zbinden
    Gap optique, University of Geneva
  27. THz magnetopolaritons: new perspectives on superconducting cavities, transport and graphene
    C. Maissen, J. Keller, G.L. Paravicini-Bagliani, F. Valmorra, G. Scalari, M. Beck, S. Cibella, R. Leoni, C. Reichl, C. Charpentier, C. Rössler,
    T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, W. Wegscheider, J. Faist
    Quantum Optoelectronics Group, ETH Zurich
  28. Quantum simulation with ultracold fermions
    Dominik Husmann, Michael Messer, Sebastian Krinner, Dominik Husmann, Martin Lebrat, Samuel Häusler, David Stadler, Shuta Nakajima, Charles Grenier, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Gregor Jotzu, Michael Messer, Frederik Görg, Thomas Uehlinger, Rémi Desbuquois, Daniel Greif & Tilman Esslinger
    Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zürich
  29. Ultracold bosons in optical cavities
    Lorenz Hruby, Andrea Morales, Renate Landig, Lorenz Hruby, Nishant Dogra, Rafael Mottl, Julian Leonard, Andrea Morales, Philip Zupancic, Tobias Donner & Tilman Esslinger
    Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zürich
  30. Nanometer-scale magnetometry using quantum sensors in diamond
    L. Lorenzelli, J. Boss, K. Chang, A. Dussaux, T. Rosskopf, C. Degen
    Spin Physics and Imaging, ETH Zurich
  31. Automated optimization of photonic crystal structures
    Momchil Minkov
    Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Nanosystems, EPFL, Lausanne
  32. Towards macroscopic mechanical entanglement on photonic crystal architectures
    Hugo Flayac
    Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of Nanosystems, EPFL, Lausanne
  33. Giga-Hertz quantized charge pumping in bottom gate de fined InAs nanowire quantum dots
    S. d'Hollosy, M. Jung, A. Baumgartner, V.A. Guzenko, M.H. Madsen, J. Nygard, and C. Schönenberger
    Nanoelectronics group, University of Basel
  34. Measurement and control of a mechanical oscillator at its thermal decoherence rate
    D. J. Wilson, V. Sudhir, N. Piro, R. Schilling, A. Ghadimi, and T. J. Kippenberg
    Laboratoire de photonique et mesures quantiques, EPF Lausanne
  35. Implementation of a quantum-limited microwave amplifier in the reversed dissipation regime of optomechanics
    L. D. Toth,  N. Bernier, C. Javerzac-Galy,  A. K. Feofanov, and T. J. Kippenberg
    Laboratoire de photonique et mesures quantiques, EPF Lausanne
  36. Dynamical many-body phases of the parametrically driven-dissipative Dicke model
    Oded Zilberberg, R. Chitra
    Institute for theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  37. Tunable Quantum Phase Transitions of Coupled Shiba States
    Silas Hoffman (1), Tobias Meng (1,2), Jelena Klinovaja (1), Daniel Loss (1)
    (1) - University of Basel, (2) - Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Dresden
  38. Low-Loss Broadband Antenna for Efficient Photon Collection from a Coherent Spin in Diamond
    Daniel Riedel, Dominik Rohner, Marc Ganzhorn, Timo Kaldewey, Patrick Appel, Elke Neu, Richard J. Warburton, and Patrick Maletinsky
    Department of Physics, University of Basel
  39. Dynamical decoupling of spin ensembles for optical quantum memories
    E. Zambrini, F. Fröwis, N. Timoney, C. Laplane, P. Jobez, N. Gisin, M. Afzelius
    GAP-Quantique, University of Geneva
  40. On Wednesday:
    Enhanced NV-magnetometer sensitivity

    Luka Trifunovic
    Theoretical Physics, University of Basel
  41. Quantum clocks and their synchronisation
    Sandra Ranković, Yeong-Cherng Liang, Renato Renner
    Quantum Information Theory, ETH Zurich
  42. Linking Thermodynamic and Information Theoretic Entropy
    Mirjam Weilenmann, Lea Kraemer, Philippe Faist, and Renato Renner
    Quantum Information Theory, ETH Zurich.
  43. Helical States and Spin Helices in Low-Dimensional Systems
    T. Patlatiuk, L. Camenzind, Y. Bilal, M. Rehmann, D. Zumbuhl
    Quantum Transport Lab, University of Basel
  44. Simulation of quantum gases
    Jakub Imriška, Michele Dolfi, Mauro Iazzi, Ilia Zintchenko, Lei Wang, Emanuel Gull, Matthias Troyer, &
    Daniel Greif, Thomas Uehlinger, Gregor Jotzu, Michael Messer, Rémi Desbuquois, Leticia Tarruell, Tilman Esslinger
    Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
  45. Exciton-polariton interactions in 0D confinement
    Thomas Fink et al.
    Quantum photonics group, ETH Zurich
  46. Optical manipulation of singlet-triplet qubits in quantum dot molecules
    Yves Delley et al.
    Quantum photonics group, ETH Zurich
  47. Advancements in As- and Sb-based III-V semiconductor heterostructure MBE growth
    Mattias Berl, Christian Lehner, Thomas Tschirky, Christian Reichl, Stefan Fält, Werner Dietsche and Werner Wegscheider
    Wegscheider group, ETH Zurich
  48. 2-dimensional electron gases for many-body state cavity quantum electrodynamics
    Wolf Wüster, Valentin Goblot, Stephan Smolka, Stefan Fält, Martin Kroner, Florian Haupt, Werner Wegscheider and Atac Imamoglu
    Wegscheider group and Imamoglu group, ETH Zurich
  49. Quantum Control of Single Trapped Ions
    V. Negnevitsky, L. DeClercq, C. Fluhmann, M. Marinelli, D. Kienzler, H-Y. Lo, B. Keitch, J. P. Home
    Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group, Eth Zurich
  50. Realistic modeling of the topological phenomena
    K. Pakrouski (1), A. Soluyanov (1), M.R. Peterson (2), T. Jolicoeur (3), V.W. Scarola (4), C. Nayak (5,6), M. Troyer (1), W. Wegscheider (1), R. Lutchyn (6), T. Ihn (1)
    (1) ETH Zurich; (2) California State University Long Beach, USA; (3) Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France; (4) Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA; (5) University of California, Santa Barbara, USA; (6) Microsoft Research, Station Q, Santa Barbara, USA
  51. On Thursday:
    Fault-Tolerant QEC for qudit and non-Abelian codes
    Adrian Hutter, Daniel Loss, and James R. Wootton
    University of Basel
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