Poster Session

There will be a number of pin-boards in the foyer of the conference hall. Additional posters can be stuck to the walls in the foyer of the conference hall and nearby seminar rooms. Please take adequate tape with you to mount your poster.
Please send your poster title, authors list and research group affiliation to .
1. Quantifying the non-locality of experimental qutrits without Bell inequalities
Bänz Bessire (1), Marcel Pfaffhauser (2), Christof Bernhard (1), Alberto Montina (2), André Stefanov (1), Stefan Wolf(2)
(1) IAP, University of Bern, (2) Department of Informatics, USI Lugano
2. Electron optics with ultraclean suspended graphene
Peter Makk, Peter Rickhaus, Romain Maurand, Samuel Hess, Clevin Handschin, Markus Weiss, Christian Schonenberger; Dept. of Physics, University of Basel
Ming-Hao Liu, Klaus Richter, Institute of Physics; University of Regensburg, Germany
Endre Tovari; Dept. of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
3. Single Carbon Nanotubes Integrated into GHz Impedance Matching Circuits
G. Puebla-Hellmann (1), M. Jung (1), V. Ranjan (1), T. Hasler (1), C.Schönenberger (1), and A. Wallraff (2)
(1) Dept. of Physics, University of Basel
(2) Lab. for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
4. Imaging of relaxation times and microwave field strength in a microfabricated vapor cell
Andrew Horsley (1), Guan-Xiang Du (1), Matthieu Pellaton (2), Christoph Affolderbach (2), Gaetano Mileti (2), and Philipp Treutlein (1)
(1) Departement Physik, Universität Basel
(2) Laboratoire Temps-Fréquence, Institut de Physique, Université de Neuchâtel
5. Practical tomography of many atoms and new schemes for quantum metrology
Roman Schmied (1), Baptiste Allard (1), Caspar Ockeloen (1), Andrei Lebedev (2), Gianni Blatter (2), and Philipp Treutlein (1)
(1) Departement Physik, Universität Basel
(2) Theoretische Physik, ETH Zürich
6. Fabrication and characterization of nanospintronic devices
J. Samm (1), J. Gramich (1), A. Baumgartner (1), M. Weiss (1), M. Muoth
(2), C. Hierold (2) and C. Schönenberger (1)
(1) Nanoelectronics Group, University of Basel
(2) Micro- and Nanosystems Group, ETH Zürich
7. Quantum Annealing and Realistic Simulations for the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect.
Kiryl Pakrouski, Troels Ronnow, Matthias Troyer.
Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
8. Simulation of Ultracold Atoms
Michele Dolfi, Jan Gukelberger, Mauro Iazzi, Lei Wang, Matthias Troyer
Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
9. Cavity-enhanced quantum memory in a rare earth doped crystal
Pierre Jobez, Imam Usmani, Nuala Timoney, Mikael Afzelius, and Nicolas Gisin
GAP Optique, Group of Applied Physics,University of Geneva
10. Heralded single phonon preparation, storage and readout in cavity optomechanics
Christophe Galland (1), Nicolas Sangouard (2), Nicolas Piro (1), Nicolas Gisin (2), and Tobias J. Kippenberg (1)
(1) Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
(2) Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva
11. Charge noise and spin noise in a semiconductor quantum device
Andreas V. Kuhlmann (1), Jonathan H. Prechtel (1), Julien Houel (1,2), Arne Ludwig (1,3), Lukas Greuter (1), Dirk Reuter (3,4), Andreas D. Wieck (3), Martino Poggio (1), Richard J. Warburton (1)
(1) University of Basel, (2) University Lyon, (3) Ruhr-Universität Bochum, (4) Universität Paderborn
12. Intrinsically stable-source of spontanous emission
T. Lunghi, F. Monteiro, T. Guerreiro, B. Sanguinetti, and H. Zbinden.
Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva
13. Diamond-based magnetic sensing
Tobias Rosskopf, Antoine Dussaux, Kevin Chang, Romana Schirhagl, Christian Degen
Department of Physics, ETHZ
14. Nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance with a 1.9-nm-deep nitrogen-vacancy sensor
Michael Loretz, Jens Boss, Christian Degen
Department of Physics, ETHZ
15. The hole spin in a self-assembled quantum dot
Jonathan H. Prechtel (1), Andreas V. Kuhlmann (1), Franziska Maier (1),Arne Ludwig (2), Andreas D. Wieck (2), Daniel Loss (1), and Richard J. Warburton (1)
(1) Department of Physics, University of Basel
(2) Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany
16. Transport properties of generic helical liquids
Christoph P. Orth, Grégory Strübi, Thomas L. Schmidt
Department of Physics, University of Basel
17. Density Gradients in the Integer and Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
Lucas Casparis, Myrsini Lafkioti, Dario Maradan, Tai-Min Liu, Dominik M. Zumbuhl; Department of Physics, University of Basel
Christian Reichl, Werner Dietsche, Werner Wegscheider; Laboratory for Solid state Physics, ETH Zurich
18. Defining Zigzag Edges in Single Layer Graphene with a Hydrogen Plasma
D. Hug, S. Zihlmann, M. Rehmann, L. Marot, D. M. Zumbühl
Department of Physics, University of Basel
19. Traps and technologies for novel quantum control with trapped-ions
F. Lindenfelser, M. Marinelli, F.M. Leupold, Z.U. Solèr, J. Alonso, J.P. Home
Institute for Quantum Electronics , ETH Zurich
20. Spatial mapping of helical spin states
P. Altmann (1), M. P. Walser (1), Y. S. Chen (1), C. Reichl (2), W. Wegscheider (2), and G. Salis (1)
(1): IBM Research-Zurich
(2): Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
21. Microwave-Induced Resistance Oscillations in the strong coupling regime
F. Valmorra(1), G. Scalari(1), C. Roessler(2), T. Hasler(2), T. Ihn(2), K. Ensslin(2), M. Beck(1), J. Faist(1)
(1) Institute for Quantum Electronics - ETH Zurich
(2) Laboratory for Solid State Physics - ETH Zurich
22. qstarter: bring your lab inventions into the world!
J. Rössler, Technology Transfer, NCCR QSIT
23. Deceleration, deflection, and trapping of cold atoms and molecules
P. Allmendinger, C. Seiler, M. Zesko, M. Motsch, P. Jansen, J. Agner, H. Schmutz, J. Deiglmayr, and F. Merkt
ETH Zurich, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
24. Formation of macrodimers in an ultracold Rydberg gas
H. Sassmannshausen, F. Merkt, and J. Deiglmayr
ETH Zurich, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry
25. Optomechanics with a vacuum trapped nanoparticle
L. Rondin (1), V. Jain V E. Hebestreit (1), J. Gieseler (2), R. Quidant (2), L. Novotny (1).
(1) Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zürich, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland
(2) ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Mediterranean Technology Park, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
26. Inducing and controlling quantum phenomena using a scanning gate
R. Steinacher, B. Bräm, A. Kozikov, N. Pascher, C. Rössler, F. Timpu, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin
Laboratorium for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
27. Mesoscopic Transport with Ultracold Atoms
Sebastian Krinner, Dominik Husmann, David Stadler, Jakob Meineke, Martin Lebrat, Charles Grenier, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Tilman Esslinger
Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zürich
28. Thermal and Statistical Nuclear Polarisation in Nanometre-Scale Samples
Benedikt E. Herzog, Davide Cadeddu, Martino Poggio
Department of Physics, University of Basel
29. Atomic scale contacts to holes in SiGe nanostructures
S. A. Köster, M. Karalic, G. Salis, A. Fuhrer
IBM Research-Zurich
30. Non-locality of the multipartite W state upon loosing parties
Jean-Daniel Bancal (1), Tomer Jack Barnea (2), Nicolas Brunner (3), Péter Diviánszky (4), Nicolas Gisin (2), Tamás Vértesi (4) and Yeong-Cherng Liang (5)
(1) Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore
(2) Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva
(3) Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Geneva
(4) Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
(5) Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
31. Fractional helical Luttinger liquids
Tobias Meng (1), Lars Fritz (2), Dirk Schuricht (3), Daniel Loss (1)
(1) Department of Physics, University of Basel
(2) Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln
(3) Institut für Theorie der Statistischen Physik, RWTH Aachen University and
JARA - Fundamentals of Future Information Technology, Aachen, Germany
32. Polariton flat bands
Matteo Biondi, Sebastian Schmidt, Gianni Blatter
Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
33. Colloidal Nanocrystals for Quantum Information?!: Synthesis, Characterization, and Possible Applications
Oleysa Yarema, Deniz Bozyigit, Weyde Lin, Maksym Yarema, Vanessa Wood
Laboratory for Nanoelectronics, ETH Zurich
34. Optoelectronics with Tunnel Junctions
Markus Parzefall, Martin Frimmer, Palash Bharadwaj, Lukas Novotny
Photonics Laboratory, ETH Zurich
35. Coherence control in rare earth doped crystals
C. Laplane, P. Jobez, N. Timoney, M. afzelius & N. Gisin
GAP Quantique - Université de Genève
36. Towards Quantum optomechanics with SiN nanobeam
D. Wilson, R. Schilling, A. Ghadimi, V. Sudhir, N.Piro, TJ Kippenberg
Laboratory of photonics and quantum measurements, EPF Lausanne
37. Improving confinement in graphene
Pauline Simonet, Anastasia Varlet, C. Rössler, D. Bischoff, T. Krähenmann, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, C. Reich, and W. Wegscheiderl; Nanophysics group, ETH Zurich
M. Mucha-Kruczyński, V. I. Fal’ko; Department of Physics, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK
T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe; National Institute for Materials Science,Tsukuba, Japan
38. A dielectric optical antenna for diamond quantum emitters
D. Rohner, D. Riedel, E. Neu, R. Warburton, P. Maletinsky
Department of Physics, University of Basel
39. Nanoscale quantum sensing using single spins in diamond
E. Neu, P. Appel, M. Ganzhorn, L. Thiel, A. Barfuss, J. Teissier, P. Maletinsky
Department of Physics, University of Basel
40. Investigating transport in GaAs/AlGaAs and InAs/GaSb heterostructures
S. Müller, F. Nichele, A. Nath Pal, P. Pietsch, C. Charpentier, A. Hofmann, C. Rössler, T. Krähenmann, J. Basset, A. Stockklauser, D. Jarausch, T. Frey, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, K. Ensslin, T. Ihn, and A. Wallraff
Laboratorium for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
41. Determinstic Quantum Teleportation with Feed-Forward in a Solid State System
L. Steffen, Y. Salathe, M. Oppliger, P. Kurpiers, M. Baur, C. Lang, C. Eichler, G. Puebla-Hellmann, A. Fedorov, A. Wallraff
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
Present address of A.F.: ARC Centre for Engineered Quantum Systems, University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia
42. Exploring the effect of noise on the Berry phase
S. Berger, M. Pechal, A. A. Abdumalikov Jr., C. Eichler, L. Steffen, A. Fedorov,† A. Wallraff, and S. Filipp
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
43. Absence of nuclear spin dark state in the presence of non-collinear hyperfine interactions
Hugo Ribeiro, F. Maier, and D. Loss
Department of Physics, University of Basel
44. State readout for single trapped molecular ions using state-dependent forces
G. Hegi, M. Germann, S. Willitsch
Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
45. Cold molecular ions on a chip
A. Mokhberi and S. Willitsch
Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
46. Dissipative Quantum Simulation and State Engineering in a Dual-Species Ion Trap
D. Kienzler, H.-Y. Lo, L. de Clercq, V. Negnevitsky, C. Flühmann, M. Marinelli, B. Keitch, J. Home
Department of Physics, ETH Zurich