Poster Session

© Nikola Pascher

There will be a number of pin-boards in the foyer of the conference hall. Additional posters can be stuck to the walls in the foyer of the conference hall and nearby seminar rooms. Please take adequate tape with you to mount your poster.

  1. Molecular-ion based quantum technologies
    Xin Tong, Matthias Germann, and  Stefan Willitsch
    Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
  2. 2DEG-based hybrid S-QD-S devices
    Fabio Deon, Vittorio Pellegrini, Francesco Giazotto, Giorgio Biasiol, Lucia Sorba, and Fabio Beltram
    Quantum Electronics Group, University of Geneva
  3. Magneto-transport measurement on high-quality suspended graphene nanoribbon
    Dong-Keun Ki and Alberto F. Morpurgo
    Quantum Electronics Group, University of Geneva
  4. Imaging the persistent spin helix in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells
    M. Walser, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, K. Ensslin, and G. Salis 
    IBM Research - Zurich
  5. Development of a cryogenic surface-electrode ion trap setup
    J. Alonso, F. Leupold, L. De Clercq, R. Hablutzel, and J. P. Home
    Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group, ETH Zurich
  6. Development of a segmented ion trap for quantum manipulation of multiple ion species
    H-Y. Lo, D. Kienzler, B. Keitch, F. Lindenfelser, M. Sepiol, and J. P. Home
    Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group, ETH Zurich
  7. Single Quantum Emitter attached to an AFM-tip
    Romana Schirhagl, Kevin Chang, Johannes Cremer, Tobias Rosskopf, Ben Ofori-Okai, Christian Degen
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  8. Spectroscopy of dipole-forbidden transitions in Coulomb-crystallized molecular ions for applications in quantum technology
    Matthias Germann, Xin Tong, and Stefan Willitsch
    Department of Chemistry, University of Basel
  9. New approach to integrate magnetic dopants in Silicon
    Frank Ruess, Andreas Fuhrer, Nikolaj Moll
    IBM Research - Zurich
  10. Optomechanical coupling of ultracold atoms and a membrane
    Maria Korppi, Andreas Jöckel, Matthew T. Rakher, Philipp Treutlein
    Quantum Atom Optics Lab, University of Basel
  11. Imaging electron transport through graphene- and GaAs-based nanostructures
    N. Pascher, A. Kozikov, C. Rössler, D. Bischoff, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin and W. Wegscheider
    Nanophysics Group, ETH Zurich
  12. Ultrasensitive Force Microscopy at Millikelvin Temperatures
    Bradley A.J. Moores*, Ye Tao**, Christian Degen*
    * Laboratory of Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
    ** Department of Chemistry, MIT
  13. Entanglement-Enhanced Atom Interferometer Probing On-Chip Microwave Fields
    Caspar Ockeloen, Roman Schmied, Philipp Treutlein
    Quantum Atom Optics Lab, University of Basel
  14. Many-body Physics in Quantum Dots: Kondo effect and Feshbach resonance
    Florian Haupt, Stephan Schmolka, Björn Sbierski, Wolf Wüster, Atac Imamoglu
    Quantum Photonics Group, ETH Zurich
  15. Probing charge noise in a semiconductor with laser spectroscopy on a quantum dot
    Andreas Kuhlmann,  Julien Houel,  Lukas Greuter,  Arne Ludwig,  Fei Xue, Martino Poggio, and Richard J. Warburton
    Department of Physics, University of Basel
  16. Advanced semiconductor materials for topological quantum computing
    Christian Reichl, C. Charpentier, S. Riedi, T. Feil, W. Wegscheider
    Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
  17. Tensor Network Algorithms
    Michele Dolfi, Bela Bauer, Philippe Corboz, Matthias Troyer
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  18. Injection and transport of spin polarization in a two-dimensional electron gas
    Yuansen Chen, Matthias Walser, Andreas Fuhrer, Christian Reichl, Werner Wegscheider, Gian Salis
    IBM Research - Zurich
  19. Current-induced magnetization relaxation in a magnetic quantum dot: Exact relaxation times
    Daniel Becker*, **, Stephan Weiss**, Michael Thorwart**, Daniela Pfannkuche**
    *  Condensed Matter Theory Group, University of Basel
    ** Department of Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany
  20. Nonlinear Optomechanics
    A. Nunnenkamp
    Condensed Matter Theory Group, University of Basel
  21. GHZ generation protocol for N superconducting transmon qubits
    S. Aldana
    Condensed Matter Theory Group, University of Basel
  22. Towards a fully tunable microcavity
    L. Greuter, L. Dümpelmann, R.J. Barbour, A.Ludwig and R.J. Warburton
    Quantum Optics Lab, University of Basel
  23. Electrical spin injection in InAs quantum dots
    Arne Ludwig, H. Soldat, F. Stromberg, A. Ludwig, N. Gerhardt, M. Hofmann, W. Keune, H. Wende, D. Reuter, and A. Wieck
    Quantum Optics Lab, University of Basel
  24. Roton-type mode softening in a quantum gas with long-range interactions
    R. Mottl, K. Baumann, R. Landig, F. Brennecke, T. Donner, T. Esslinger
    Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zurich
  25. On demand creation of electronic entangled states in coupled Mach-Zehnder interferometers
    A.V. Lebedev, G.B. Lesovik, G. Blatter
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  26. Conduction of ultracold fermions through a mesoscopic channel
    Jean-Philippe Brantut, Jakob Meineke, David Stadler, Sebastian Krinner and Tilman Esslinger
    Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zurich
  27. Carbon nanotubes in electric and magnetic fields
    Jelena Klinovaja, Manuel J. Schmidt, Bernd Braunecker, and Daniel Loss
    Condensed Matter Theory Group, University of Basel
  28. High speed single photon detectors for high speed QKD
    N. Walenta et. al.
    Group of applied Physics, University of Geneva
  29. A QKD protocol that is highly robust against unambiguous state discrimination attacks
    C. Lim et. al.
    Group of applied Physics, University of Geneva
  30. Density functional theory for static and dynamic properties of atomic quantum gases
    Ping Nang Ma1, Sebastiano Pilati1,2, Lei Wang1, Ilia Zintchenko1, and Matthias Troyer1
    1 Institute of theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
    2 The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
  31. Entropic Position-Momentum Uncertainty Relations for finite Key Analysis in Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution
    Fabian Furrer, Torsten Franz, Mario Berta, Volkher B. Scholz, Marco Tomamichel, Matthias Christandl, Reinhard F. Werner
    Institute of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
  32. Quantum state tomography of 1000 bosons: reduced density matrices
    Michael Walter, Roman Schmied, Matthias Christandl, Philipp Treutlein
    Institute of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
    Quantum Atom Optics Lab, University of Basel
  33. Qubit amplification for device-independent QKD
    Natalia Bruno
    Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva
  34. Bright source of red single photons from a semiconductor nanowire
    G. Wuest*, Y. Fontana**, M. Heiss**, A. Kuhlmann*, J. Houel*, E. Russo-Averchi**, R. J. Warburton* and A. Fontcuberta i Morral**
    * Department of Physics, University of Basel
    **Institut des Materiaux, EPFL
  35. Cotunneling in the 5/2 FQH regime
    Robert Zielke, Bernd Braunecker, and Daniel Loss
    Condensed Matter Theory Group, University of Basel
  36. Decelerating and trapping Rydberg atoms close to surfaces
    P. Allmendinger, H. Sassmannshausen, J. Deiglmayr, S. D. Hogan, H. Schmutz and F. Merkt
    Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich
  37. Towards quantum memory with long storage time in Nd:YSO
    P. Jobez, I. Usmani, C. Clausen, F. Bussières, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin
    Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva
  38. Efficient multi-qubit gates and quantum teleportation in circuit QED
    L. Steffen, A. Fedorov, M. Baur, and A. Wallraff
    Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
    M. da Silva
    Disruptive Information Processing Technologies Group, Raytheon BBN Technologies, USA
  39. Geometric phases in superconducting circuits
    M. Pechal, A.A. Abdumalikov, S. Berger, J. Fink, J. Mlynek, L. Steffen, A. Fedorov, S. Filipp, and A. Wallraff
  40. Time resolved collective entanglement dynamics in circuit QED
    J.A. Mlynek, A.A. Abdumalikov Jr., J.M. Fink, L. Steffen, M. Baur, C. Lang, A. F. van Loo, and A. Wallraff
    Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
  41. Single molecule devices and photons
    Gabriel Puebla-Hellmann, Andreas Wallraff
    Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
  42. Driving Rydberg-Rydberg transitions from a coplanar microwave waveguide
    S. D. Hogan, J. A. Agner, P. Allmendinger, F. Merkt
    Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich
    S. Filipp, T. Thiele, K. Reim, A. Wallraff
    Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
  43. Entanglement: randomness extraction, robustness and area laws
    Mario Zimman, Lea Kramer, Normand Beaudry, and Renato Renner
    Quantum Information Theory Group, ETH Zurich
  44. Using High Frequencies to Probe Semiconducting Nanostructures
    Sarah Hellmüller and Julien Basset
    Nanophysics Group, ETH Zurich
  45. Metallic Coulomb Blockade Thermometry down to 10mK and below
    L. Casparis*, M. Meschke**, D. Maradan*, A. C. Clark*, C. Scheller*, K.
    K. Schwarzwalder*, J. P. Pekola**, and D. M. Zumbuhl*
    * Department of Physics, University of Basel
    **Low Temperature Laboratory, Aalto University, Finland
  46. The Nuclear Spin Environment in Lateral GaAs Spin Valves
    D. Koelbl*, A. Fuhrer**, G. Salis**, S. F. Alvarado**, D. M. Zumbuhl*
    * Physics Department - University of Basel
    ** IBM Research - Zurich
  47. Thermodynamics as an Information Theory: Optimal Work Extraction
    Lídia del Rio, Philippe Faist, Joseph Renes, Johan Åberg, Renato Renner
    Quantum Information Theory Group, ETH Zurich
  48. Magnetotransport on single Ni/GaAs magnetic nanotubes
    Daniel Rüffer*, Rupert Huber**,  Eleonora Russo-Averchi*, Martin Heiss*,
    Jordi Arbiol***, Dirk Grundler** und Anna Fontcuberta i Morral*
    * Institut des Materiaux, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
    ** Physik Department E10, Technische Universität München, Gemany
    *** Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, Spain
  49. Charge Dynamics in Single Quantum Dots and Quantum Dot Solids
    O. Yarema, D. Bozyigit, V. Wood
    Laboratory for Nanoelectronics, ETH Zurich
  50. p-type GaAs rings with strong spin-orbit interaction
    F. Nichele*, Y. Komijani*, D. Reuter**, A.D. Wieck**, T. Ihn*, K. Ensslin*
    * Nanophysics Group, ETH Zurich
    ** Angewandte Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum – 44780 Bochum, Germany
  51. Charge transport in graphene nanodevices
    P. Simonet, C. Barraud, A. Jacobsen, S. Dröscher, A. Varlet, D. Bischoff, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin
    Nanophysics Group, ETH Zurich
  52. Novel transport phenomena in graphene
    A. Van der Torren, M. Bräuninger, P. Rickhaus, F. Freitag, J. Trbovic, R. Maurand, M. Weiss, and C. Schönenberger
    Nanoelectronics Group, University of Basel
  53. Cooper pair splitting and electron transport in superconductor hybrid nanostructurs
    A. Baumgartner, S. d'Hollosy, G. Fabian, S. Nau, J. Samm, J. Schindele, M. Weiss, and C. Schoenenberger
    Nanoelectronics Group, University of Basel
  54. Coupling of electronic transitions in 2-dimensional systems to THz metamaterials
    C. Maissen, F. Valmorra, G. Scalari, D. Turcinkova, C. Reichl, D. Schuh, W. Wegscheider, W. Fu, C. Schoenenberger, M. Beck, and J. Faist
    Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
  55. Optically driven electron pump based on semiconductor quantum dots
    L. Nevou, A. Mohan, V. Liverini, G. Cerulo, P. Friedli, F. Castellano, A. Bismuto,  H. Sigg, E. Kapon, and J. Faist
    Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich
  56. The Quantum Marginal Problem and Applications
    Christian Schilling, Matthias Christandl, and David Gross
    Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
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