Feedback Student School
From my point of view, the Arosa School 2012 was very interesting, because there was enough time for each professor to give a long and didactic introduction to their subjects. Each day, there were quite various topics and this also encouraged the professors to remain broad in their talks. The friendly and sportive environment was also enjoyable and led to fruitful discussions.
Pauline, PhD student
I think the winter school can be considered as a great success! The lectures were kept general and understandable for the audience with its wide range of scientific backgrounds. Therefore, the school was an ideal opportunity to develop an understanding of the different research fields pursued in the QSIT network. On the other hand, the relaxed atmosphere and the favorable size stimulated scientific discussions among the participants and one was really able to meet the majority of the people.
Heiner, PhD student
I do highly appreciate the lectures at the winter school - the most lectures were really able to cover in the 90 minutes a necessary introduction into the topic (for students working in a different field) and some recent applications as well. That is a good concept. A great surplus of the winter school was nice location and the provided free time.
Jakub, PhD student
The QSIT Student School in Arosa was a great experience. The speakers gave a good introduction to numerous research fields covered by QSIT. The seminars helped me a lot to get new insight into various topics and to extend my knowledge to less familiar fields. The schedule of the school proposed a good balance between lectures and spare time, which stimulated many scientific discussions and allowed to get in touch with new colleagues.
David, PhD student
The NCCR QSIT Student School held in Arosa this February was for me a very positive experience. I appreciated that the lecturers put real efforts into introducing us to those specialised topics. The presentations were smooth and not too ambitious which allows me to really develop the necessary background to attend the following QSIT conference.
Anastasia, PhD student
The student school was indeed a great experience! The talks gave a good introduction to various fields of research in QSIT, stimulating many scientific discussions among the participants of the school - this was very much encouraged by the warm and friendly atmosphere in Arosa. Being new to QSIT, the student school was the perfect environment for me to get to know and exchange ideas with fellow researchers working in the field of quantum science, as well as learn about the broad range of research areas covered by QSIT.
Lea, PhD student
In my opinion, the student school was a great experience. The presenters managed very well the difficult task of introducing students from a variety of fields to the broad range of QSIT. Personally, I appreciated much that the lecturers used the time to present the basics which are usually left out. The relaxing atmosphere and the balanced schedule helped to get in touch with the other participants and discuss.
Daniel, PhD student