Poster Session
The answers to the posterquiz are found Download here (PDF, 116 KB).
- Measurement of Statistical Nuclear Spin Polarization in an Ensemble of Self-Assembled Quantum Dots
Phani Peddibhotla, Fei Xue, Dennis Weber, Michele Montinaro & Martino Poggio
Poggio Lab: Spin, Quantum Electronics, Nanomechanics, University of Basel
- Quantum transport in carbon nanotube and nanowire hybrid devices
H. Aurich, A. Baumgartner, L. Hofstetter, S. Nau, J. Samm, J. Schindele, C. Schönenberger, and M. Weiss
Nanoelectronics Group, University of Basel
- Graphene: the ultimate two-dimensional conductor
M. Braeuninger, M. Calame, W. Fu, F. Freitag, C. Nef, C. Schönenberger, J. Trbovic, and M. Weiss
Nanoelectronics Group, University of Basel
- Accuracy of the mesoscopic capacitor as a single electron source
Mathias Albert, Christian Flindt and Markus Buttiker
Département de Physique Théorique, Université de Genève
- Transport through graphene on SrTiO3 substrates
Nuno Couto
Quantum Electronics Group, University of Geneva
- Fabrication of suspended graphene
Dong Keun Ki
Quantum Electronics Group, University of Geneva
- A novel geometry for nuclear magnetic resonance force microscopy
Fei Xue, Phani Peddibhotla, Dennis Weber, Michele Montinaro, and Martino Poggio
Poggio Lab: Spin, Quantum Electronics, Nanomechanics, University of Basel
- Spin-orbit interaction in semiconductor quantum wells and the persistent spin helix
M. P. Walser, M. Studer, G. Salis, W. Wegscheider, and K. Ensslin
IBM Research, Zurich & Adv. Semiconductor Quantum Materials, ETH Zurich & Nanophysics Group, ETH Zurich
- The thermodynamic meaning of negative entropy
Lidia del Rio, Johan Aberg, Renato Renner, Oscar Dahlsten, and Vlatko Vedral
Quantum Information Theory Group, ETH Zurich
- Multiparticle Entanglement on an Atom Chip
Caspar Ockeloen, Max F. Riedel, Pascal Böhi, Roman Schmied, and Philipp Treutlein
Quantum Atom Optics Lab, University of Basel
- Manipulating Rydberg States of Atoms and Molecules
Ch. Seiler, S. D. Hogan and F. Merkt
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich
- Multistage Zeeman Deceleration of Paramagnetic Atoms
A. W. Wiederkehr, M. Motsch and F. Merkt
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, ETH Zurich
- Helical modes in carbon nanotubes generated by strong electric fields
Jelena Klinovaja, Manuel J. Schmidt, Bernd Braunecker, and Daniel Loss
Department of Physics, University of Basel
- Quantum many-body physics with ultracold atoms I
Kristian Baumann, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Ferdinand Brennecke, Tobias Donner, Daniel Greif, Gregor Jotzu, Jakob Meineke, Rafael Mottl, Torben Müller, David Stadler, Thomas Uehlinger, Leticia Tarruell, and Tilman Esslinger
Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zurich
- Quantum many-body physics with ultracold atoms II
Kristian Baumann, Jean-Philippe Brantut, Ferdinand Brennecke, Tobias Donner, Daniel Greif, Gregor Jotzu, Jakob Meineke, Rafael Mottl, Torben Müller, David Stadler, Thomas Uehlinger, Leticia Tarruell, and Tilman Esslinger
Quantum Optics Group, ETH Zurich
- Quantum memory coupled to cavity modes
Fabio L. Pedrocchi, Stefano Chesi, and Daniel Loss
Department of Physics, University of Basel
- Quantum-state control of translationally cold molecular ions in ion traps
Xin Tong, Matthias Germann, and Stefan Willitsch
Department of Chemistry, University of Basel - Hole spin coherence in a quantum dot
Julien Houel
Department of Physics, University of Basel
- Ion trap technologies for investigations of open quantum systems
D. Kienzler, B. Keitch, H-Y Lo, and J. P. Home
Trapped Ion Quantum Information Group, ETH Zurrich
- Attractive Impurities in a Quantum Wire: Bound States, Interference, and Fano resonances
David Oehri, Fabian Hassler, Gordey Lesovik, and Gianni Blatter
Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
- Nuclear Spin Relaxation in an All-Electrical Lateral Spin Transport Device
D. Kölbl (1), A. Fuhrer (2), G. Salis (2), S. F. Alvarado (2), D. M. Zumbuhl (1)
(1) Swiss Nanoscience Institute and Physics Department, University of Basel
(2) IBM Research Zurich
- Inverted GaAs 2D Electron Gas in close proximity to InAs Quantum Dots
F. Dettwiler (1), P. Fallahi (2), A. Badolato (2), A. Imamoglu (2), D. Schuh (3), W. Wegscheider (2,3), and D. M. Zumbühl (1)
(1) Swiss Nanoscience Institute and Physics Department, University of Basel
(2) Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
(3) Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics, University of Regensburg
- Observation of photon blockade in quantum dot cavity-QED
Andreas Reinhard, Thomas Volz, and Atac Imamoglu
Quantum Photonics Group, ETH Zurich
- A coupled quantum dot laser amplifier: raman transition between singlet and triplet states
J. M. Elzerman, K. M. Weiss, J. Miguel-Sanchez, und A. Imamoglu
Quantum Photonics Group, ETH Zurich
- Quantum control of interacting qubits
V.M. Stojanovic, R. Heule, D. Burgarth, and C. Bruder
Department of Physics, University of Basel
- A single fermion in a Bose Josephson Junction
M. Rinck and C. Bruder
Department of Physics, University of Basel
- Topological origin of subgap conductance in insulating bilayer graphene
Jian Li, Ivar Martin, Markus Buttiker, Alberto F. Morpurgo
Département de Physique Théorique, Université de Genève
- What numerics can tell us about ultracold atoms
Peter Anders, Sebastiano Pilati, Lode Pollet, and Matthias Troyer
Institute of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
- Tensor network states
B. Bauer (1), P. Corboz (1,2), M. Dolfi (1), R. Orus (3), G. Vidal (4), M. Troyer (1)
(1) Institute of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
(2) Institute of Theoretical Physics, EPF Lausanne
(3) Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching, Germany
(4) School of Mathematics and Physics, The University of Queensland, Australia
- The Uncertainty Principle in the Presence of Quantum Memory
Mario Berta, Matthias Christandl, Roger Colbeck, Joseph M. Renes, Renato Renner, and Marco Tomamichel
Institute of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich
- Nanodevices based on Ga[Al]As heterostructures
Stephan Schnez, Clemens Rössler, and Bruno Küng
Nanophysics Group, ETH Zurich
- Transport in graphene quantum dots
J. Güttinger, D. Bischoff, S. Dröscher, A. Jacobsen, F. Molitor, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin
Nanophysics Group, ETH Zurich
- Entangling protocols for two qubits in circuit QED
L. Steffen, M. Baur, A. Fedorov, J. M. Fink, K. Pakrouski, W. Zeng and A. Wallraff
Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
- Experimental State Tomography of Itinerant Single Microwave Photons
C. Eichler, D. Bozyigit, C. Lang, L. Steffen, J. M. Fink, and A. Wallraff
Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich
- Hybrid Cavity QED with Atoms and Circuits
T. Thiele, C. Gross, P. Allmendinger, S. Marx, J. Agner, H. Schmutz, S. Filipp, S. D. Hogan, F. Merkt, A. Wallraff
Molecular Physics and Spectroscopy & Quantum Device Labs, ETH Zurich
- Localization of Toric Code Defects
Cyril Stark (1,2), Atac Imamoglu (2) and Renato Renner (1)
(1) Quantum Information Theory Group, ETH Zürich
(2) Quantum Photonics Group, ETH Zürich
- Secure High Speed Communication based on Quantum Key Distribution
N. Walenta, C. Lim, and H. Zbinden
Group of applied Phyxiscs, University of Geneva
- Finite key analysis of Coherent One-Way protocol
C. Lim, N. Walenta, and H. Zbinden
Group of applied Phyxiscs, University of Geneva
- Towards an AFC memory for light with spin wave storage in Eu3+:Y2SiO5
N. Timoney, B. Lauritzen, M. Afzelius, H. de Riedmatten, and N. Gisin
Group of applied Phyxiscs, University of Geneva
- Optomechanical coupling of ultracold atoms and a membrane
Maria Korppi, Andreas Joeckel, Stephan Camerer, David Hunger, and Philipp Treutlein
Quantum Atom Optics Lab, University of Basel
- Strongly correlated photons in coupled QED cavities
S. Schmidt (1), H. E. Tureci (2,3), D. Gerace (4), A. Houck (3), G. Blatter (1)
(1) Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
(2) Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
(3) Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, USA
(4) Department of Physics, Pavia University, Italy
- Ordered Pyramidal Quantum Dots for Nanophotonics Applications
A. Mohan, P. Gallo, M. Felici, B. Dwir, A. Rudra, E. Kapon
Laboratory of Physics of Nanostructures EPFL, Switzerland
J. Faist
Institute for Quantum Electronics ETH Zurich Switzerland
- Current quantization in an optically-driven electron pump based on self-assembled quantum dots
L. Nevou, V. Liverini, P Friedli, F. Castellano, A. Bismuto, H. Sigg, F. Gramm, E. Müller and J. Faist
Institute for Quantum Electronics ETH Zurich Switzerland
- Strong coupling regime and plasmon-polaritons in parabolic semiconductor quantum wells
Markus Geiser, Giacomo Scalari, Fabrizio Castellano, Christoph Walther, Mattias Beck, Laurent Nevou, and Jerome Faist
Institute for Quantum Electronics ETH Zurich Switzerland
- Novel semiconductor materials: fabrication and transport experiments
F. Nichele (1), Y. Komijani (1), M. Csontos (1), D. Reuter (2), A. D. Wieck (2), T. Choi (1), N. Pascher (1), P. Rolleau (1), S. Schnez (1), E. Gini (3), T. Ihn (1), and K. Ensslin (1)
(1) Laboratory for Solid State Physics, ETH Zurich
(2) Angewandte Festkörperphysik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
(3) FIRST Center for Micro- and Nanosciences, ETH Zurich
- Using High Frequencies to Probe Semiconductor Nanostructures
Tobias Frey, Sarah Hellmüller, Peter Leek, Thomas Müller, Thomas Ihn, Klaus Ensslin, and Andreas Wallraff
Nanophysics group & Quantum Device Lab, ETH Zurich