Scientific writing

Andreas Trabesinger
Reinschrift Science Communication

Writing and publishing is arguably an almost intrinsic part of scientific endeavour. In this workshop, the speaker will present context, tools and perspectives related to writing up scientific results, based on his experience as a professional manuscript editor at Nature Physics, as a freelance editor and as a science writer.

Participants will hear about typical editorial checkpoints, the changing publishing landscape, widespread myths and typical mistakes, and how an appreciation of these aspects can help to communicate more efficiently with editors, peers and a wider public.

Participants will be invited to actively participate in the workshop and to send own texts ahead of the event.

Date:     Tuesday  March 4, 2014
Place:     ETH Science City, HPF G 6
Time:     13:00–14:30; 15:00–16:00
Maximum number of participants: 30 persons 

There was a tremendous interest in the workshop. The maximum number of participants was exceeded by far. Therefore we will organize a second workshop for those that have not been among the first 30 persons registering.

Date:    Tuesday, March 18, 2014 
Place:   ETH Hönggerberg, HPF G 6
Time:   13:00–14:30; 15:00–16:00

Registration deadline: February 17, 2014
Confirmation will be given until February 25

Please register via the 

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