Career in academia
Vanessa Wood
Nano Electronics and Nano Photonics Group, ETH Zurich
This workshop is intended for PhD students and postdocs who are considering a career in academia or are currently applying to professor positions.
The format will be a series of short presentations with 50% of the time allocated for questions and discussion.
Part I: Getting yourself noticed (45 minutes)
Preparing: Do excellent science during your PhD and postdoc!
Then: deciding when and where to apply.
Applying: What is a committee looking for? The cover letter, CV, research statement, and teaching statement.
Interviewing: What are typical interviews in the US and Europe? How and what to prepare.
coffee & networking break (20 minutes)
Part II: You're their top choice. Congrats! Now what? (45 minutes)
Negotiating: The second visit. What to ask for and how to ask for it.
Starting: Being a quick start professor and getting tenure
Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Place: ETH Science City, HPF G 6
Time: 13:30 - 15:30
Maximum number of participants: 50 persons
Participants arriving from outside Zurich will be reimbursed their travel costs.
Registration deadline: Monday, November 17, 12:00
Confirmation will be given Monday afternoon, November 17
Please register via the