1A: Cavity Optomechanics
Cavity Optomechanics - Quantum Measurements and Backaction
PL: C. Bruder
Involved PIs: T. Esslinger, T. Kippenberg, M. Poggio, A. Wallraff
Over the past years cavity optomechanics has emerged as a new research field in which basic concepts of quantum measurement theory such as quantum-limited displacement sensing or backaction-evading measurements and highly sensitive force measurements may be realized. These concepts rely on radiation pressure to achieve optomechanical coupling to nano- and micro-mechanical oscillators. The main objective of cavity optomechanics is to achieve quantum-limited detection of mechanical motion. Quantum-limited motion transducers are likely to have the same success as quantum-limited photon detectors in the field of quantum optics and will lead to new advances in both fundamental science and technology. The significance of the research program lies in experimentally approaching the fundamental quantum limits of motion transduction, in exploring new classes of transducers for measuring the collective motion of atoms, in the detection of the motion of nano-mechanical oscillators and its application to nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging.
The research program will directly build on the recognized contributions of the participating research groups, and foster collaborative research and exchange between the groups of Bruder (UBasel), Esslinger (ETHZ), Kippenberg (EPFL), Poggio (UBasel), and Wallraff (ETHZ). The experimental and theoretical expertise of the consortium spans optomechanical cooling of microresonators and nanoscale mechanical oscillators, ultra-sensitive nanoscale magnetic force imaging, nanoscale displacement measurements with quantum point contacts and cavity optomechanics with ultracold atoms. Within the NCCR many potential cross-links will emerge. Cavity optomechanical phenomena induced by radiation-pressure coupling also exist in superconducting circuits.