Quantum gas microscopy of atomic Fermi-Hubbard systems

Waseem Bakr
Princeton University, USA

Ultracold fermions in optical lattices provide a clean physical realization of the celebrated Fermi-Hubbard model of condensed matter, a minimal model believed to contain the essential ingredients for high-temperature superconductivity. Recent advances in the field of quantum gas microscopy have opened up the possibility to probe and manipulate Fermi-Hubbard systems at the atomic level, enabling quantitative studies in a temperature regime that is challenging for state-of-the-art numerical simulations. In this talk I will report on experiments that probe equilibrium spin and density correlations in the Hubbard model in new regimes. I will also report on experiments where we measure the transport properties of doped repulsive systems and observe signatures of bad metallic behavior including a linear-in-temperature resistivity that violates the Mott-Ioffe-Regel limit.

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